Chapter ten

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"They said all dreams come true. They forgot to mention that nightmares are dreams too"


The next two weeks flew by. Classes were well underway and homework had begun to pile up. Everything was back to normal, well basically normal.

Harry, Ron, Hermione and I hung out every day just like before. We spent our days studying, playing exploding snap, and just talking.
Although throughout the last two weeks, Draco was still being just as kind to me as when Harry and I were fighting.
It was strange, but I kind of enjoyed it. It was nice not having to walk on egg shells around him and his friends.

Sometimes he even waited for me outside of Potions to check up on me, and see if I understood everything that Snape had taught us and offered to help me if I needed it. Although, I hadn't needed his help. When I would tell him I understood everything and didn't need him, he seemed as if he was let down.

Halloween was tomorrow night, which was great because there was a Gryffindor party after the Halloween feast. Normally third years were not invited to the parties because we were too young, but since we were close to Fred and George and they were the planners of the whole thing, we got to go.

Of course when Fred told us we could attend he said "But obviously no drinking, what kind of person do you think I am?" But I could've sworn he winked as he turned around and walked away.

After classes, I ran up to my dorm to drop off my books before meeting Hermione and the boys in the common room for dinner. The entire way down to the Great Hall we talked about the party.

Halloween was one of my favorite holidays. The Great Hall was decorated with hauntingly beautiful decorations. There were floating Jack-O-Lanterns on the ceiling that took the place of the normal candles. There were a few bats that flew around, and the enchanted ceiling shown a full moon with scattered clouds.

Dinner was uneventful, although the Slytherin boys kept looking over at us and then whispering to each other and laughing. I wondered what they were planning, and had to stop myself from growing too nervous.

I continued eating my pasta and talking to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. After dinner we sat in the common room finishing up our homework and talking about upcoming quidditch games.

The next morning I woke up early, excited for todays events. Unfortunately, the only thing dimming my mood was that we had class. I hurried and threw on my white button down, skirt and my robes, put on some light makeup, and let my hair go into their natural curls for the day. I took one more look in the mirror. Satisfied with how I looked, I grabbed my bag and left out the portrait door for breakfast.

I walked down the corridors to the Great Hall. With it still being pretty early in the morning, there were only a few people scattered throughout the halls. I saw the popular Hufflepuff boy, Cedric Diggory, laughing with his friends. I also saw Teddy who was chatting along with them and waved.

I continued to make my way to the Great Hall smiling at people as I passed.
When I walked through the doors of the hall, I was shocked to see Draco sitting at his table by himself. Like me, he always waited for his friends when going anywhere.

I took a seat at the Gryffindor table in my usual spot, which awkwardly faced Draco. He seemed tired and worn out like he didn't sleep well the night before. His platinum blonde hair wasn't combed like normal, it was more in his face and there were bags under his eyes. As I stared at him, he looked up and scoffed, "What are you looking at, Black? Got nothing better to do than to stare at me like a freak?"

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