Chapter Twenty-Seven Payback

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"Some people are meant to fall in love with each other but not meant to be together."
*Dreas Pov**

It was weird at first, being with Theo, but somewhere along the line I had started to like him. It wasn't the same as with Draco, I don't think it ever could be, but it was a start.

A few weeks had passed and Draco hadn't spoken to me, or even looked in my direction since. Life with Malfoy was back to normal, I was back to being invisible to him. It reminded me of the times he'd only talk to me to call me the "Gryffindor brat", which he'd call me first and second year.

Within the last few weeks I noticed Draco and Astoria were getting closer. She was all over him at meals, and they would often be found in the library together holding hands and studying. I was happy for him, he deserved to be happy. It hurt, whenever I saw it, but I tried to push the feelings down.

I had decided to spend my Sunday at the lake, reading. I walked down the winding path to the shore and as I got closer, I saw Draco and Astoria sitting together. I watched as they laughed about something, and Astoria ruffled his hair making him laugh harder. I tried my best to look down and keep going, but as I looked back up, I felt my heart drop to the bottom of my chest as he grabbed her cheek and kissed her.

I froze and watched as his eyes made contact with mine, making Astoria turn around quickly as well. I stood frozen for a few more seconds before something finally snapped me back into focus, and I turned around and ran up towards the castle, not even realizing I dropped my book on the way. Tears fell down my cheeks as I made my way up to the castle. I couldn't go where I would normally go, which was to the Astronomy Tower, and the tears fell harder as I realized that. I hadn't been up there since Draco and I were up there together last, and I didn't see myself heading up there anytime soon.

Leave it to Draco Malfoy to take away the only spot that I felt was mine.

I kept walking as tears clouded my vision, as I turned the corner I ran right into a tall figure.
"I'm sorry I-" I started to say as tears kept pouring down my face.

"Drea are you okay?" The familiar voice pulled me into a hug. It was Harry. I didn't answer him he just hugged me, rubbing my back and telling me it was okay.

But it wasn't okay. I lost him and I finally felt it.

After a few minutes, he took my hand and guided me into and empty classroom.
"LP what has got you so upset?" The family would call me that, short for Little Padfoot. However, he only called me it on rare occasions, he knew how I much I treasured it being my fathers nickname for me. I looked up to meet his eyes, the tears weren't coming down as hard, but still flowing.

"I wanted to read," the tears started flowing heavier again as the last hour rushed back to my mind, "I walked down to the lake and he was there with her."

He pulled me closer to him and asked "Theo? Who was he with?"
"No, not Theo," I stopped, realizing I hadn't actually told anyone what happened between Draco and I.

I sobbed into his shirt, "Drea you can talk to me," he said softly.

"It was Draco..." he pulled away and looked at me as if I was joking.
"Harry I know I'm not suppose to like him, I know his fathers out to get me. He had changed," my head was starting to ache with how much I was crying.

Stupid Malfoy.

Harry just looked at me and waited for me to continue,
"He helped me Harry, and we went up to the Astronomy tower together often and we both.... I guess started getting feelings. He's different, when he isn't around people," I started calming down as I explained, "he opened up to me and told me things about his family, honestly Harry I really think he wants to be different then them," I shook my head.

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