Chapter Eight- Draco's POV

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"The beautiful thing about life is that you can always change, grow and get better. You aren't defined by your past. You aren't your mistakes."


During dinner I decided not to send a letter to Drea telling her I planned on going to the tower that night. I wanted to use it as an excuse to talk to her again if I ran into her. After Dinner I changed into my green Slytherin sweater and black joggers, and made my way up to the tower.

As I walked the never ending stairs to the tower, I heard someone walking quickly towards me form the direction of the tower. I pushed back against a wall and watched as Drea stormed passed, crying. Before following her I peaked up at the Astronomy tower where I saw Cho and Harry, looking incredibly close.

I suppressed the urge to hex him into oblivion, and followed Black down toward the steps. I had to practically run to catch up and finally I saw her make her way outside of the castle and head towards the Black Lake.

I stopped for a moment, to give her some space to calm down. As I debated on following her or not the rest of the way. She was in a maroon sweater and black leggings, and looked amazing despite the lack of effort put into her appearance.

I stood at the doors of the castle and looked around, it's a beautiful night outside, clear sky and small breeze.
I love nights like these.

I decided to walk down to the shore to see Drea and make sure she's okay.
I approached her carefully and I realized it was probably a mistake, she jumped as I asked "Hey, uh are you okay?"

"Bloody Hell Draco, you can't sneak up on me like that" she laughed smacking my leg.
I looked down at her as I saw little speckles of makeup on her cheeks from crying. Even with makeup running down her face, she looked gorgeous.
"How'd you know where I was?" She wiped away the tears away with her sleeve and looked up at me.

"Well I was about to go to the tower as well, thinking you'd be done, I don't know why I didn't send you the letter," I looked around.. then continued "but I saw you run off and I followed you here. I gave you a second to calm down and I wasn't sure if I should follow you and all, but I felt bad and so I did.." I finished and looked up at the stars.
"Well thanks Malfoy" she said smiling at me.
"I'm okay, just.." I cut her off,
"I know, I saw, that was part of the reason I followed. I figured you could use someone," I said looking down at her.

She moved over so I could sit next to her. We sat for awhile, watching the tide of the lake move in and out.

"I'm not really that upset he kissed her," she sighed before continuing, "I guess it just doesn't make sense to me,"
She turned to look at me with her head resting on her knees. I hated Potter, he always was a favorite among the teachers and it just pissed me off.
"That prick" I managed to get out.
She raised an eyebrow at me.
"I'm sorry it's just, who would do that?" I said angrily.
She probably is assuming I'm exactly the type to do that.

"Black, I'm sorry but what did you see in him again?" I said angrily.
"You mean, as a friend? Cause I really don't think I had feelings for him," she said raising an eyebrow at me.

I looked at her for a moment. Honestly, I thought she did have feelings for him. They were constantly around each other, she held his hand often and laid her head on his shoulder. If I hadn't known what happened, I would have assumed they broke up.
"Honestly, Black I want to punch him," I said as I looked out on the water.

"Why do you care?" She had finally asked the question that I assumed she would ask eventually. I'm surprised it took her this long. I continued watching the water ripple the moons reflection.
Thoughts ran throughout my mind. Because I finally realized there might be more to life than hierarchies. Because I don't want to be like my abusive father.
"Why do you care about me all of the sudden," She said snapping me out of my thoughts.
I turned to look at her, her blue eyes shone bright with the moonlight.

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