Chapter Tweleve

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"Broken things can be beautiful sometimes, just like the shooting stars."
- Unknown

***Dreas POV***

After the party, Draco and I barely talked. I had ultimately decided to keep the peace between us and be as civil as I could with him.

It was now the second week in November, and this weekend was the first quidditch game.
It was the game that Malfoy and Nott were looking forward to, Slytherin vs. Hufflepuff.
Unfortunately for the Gryffindors, Slytherin would probably win. It wasn't a secret that the Hufflepuff house wasn't the best at quidditch, and Slytherin was our top competitor for the cup.

I woke up on Friday and rolled out of bed, exhausted. I was up late studying potions for a quiz we had today.
I slowly got dressed and met Hermione in the girls common room so we could walk to breakfast together.

On our way down, I was stopped by the entrance to the Great Hall by Nott.
"Hey Black, got a second?" He asked looking me up and down.
I nodded to Hermione to keep going and wait for me inside.
"What do you want Nott? To talk more shit on my family?" I snapped at him.
"Actually the opposite, I wanted to apologize for what I said."
Two Slytherins apologizing to a Gryffindor I must be dreaming, this must be a prank. I looked around for Fred and George honestly thinking they were going to jump out and say it was a prank.
"Apologize? Are you serious?" I said looking at him.
"Drea" he said.. they never use my first name ugh, "seriously I should never have said anything about your mom. Sometimes I just get carried away and go too far, I am sorry."

With that he did something that only Theodore Nott would do, he took my hand and kissed it. I felt my face turn warm, blushing. I quickly looked away.
"See you at the game?" He asked.
I nodded and he winked at me as he turned into the Great Hall.

I stood outside the doorway for a moment and when I turned around I saw Malfoy. He looked pissed. I looked at him for a moment and watched as he stormed in after Theo.

*Dracos POV***

Theodore Nott that complete asshole.

I walked up the stairs and I saw him take her hand and kiss it. She had turned away blushing.
I was pissed, my hand clenched, into a fist, as I took off into the Hall after him.

"What the hell Nott!" I said slamming my fist down on the table.
"Oh come on mate, you can't tell me you have feelings for Black, your father would kill you," He said back, and he's not wrong.
I didn't have feelings for her I just.. I meann.. did I?

I pushed the thoughts out stared at him giving him a look as I turned around, stormed out of the Great Hall and I walked to potions class.
** end POV**

After breakfast as I walked to potions with Hermione, Harry, and Ron, I quickly looked over my notes.
After staying up practically all night studying, I decided I was pretty well off and shut my book.

Snape made his way swiftly into class, "Alright begin," and with a flick of his wand he distributed the quiz.
The quiz was short and it only took half of the class period. I sat quietly with my head down while I waited for the rest of the class to finish.

"You will be divided into partners for our next project," Snape announced, once the last person turned their quiz in. Everyone groaned, "And because of that, I get to pick."

"I swear he likes making our lives miserable" I heard Ron say, making me laugh.
Whenever Snape picked our partners, Harry and I were always partnered with who we despised the most.

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