Chapter Forty-one

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"I have a feeling something incredible is about to happen"

The following month and weeks after flew by in a blur as we all anticipated the arrival of the Beauxbatons and the Drumstrangs, not to mention the choosing of the champions.

A note was hung saying they'd arrive on the 30th of October, which was today.

The Great Hall was decorated differently than the average floating candles and enchanted ceiling. Today it was decorated in silk banners that sported each of our houses and a large banner behind the professors table that had the Hogwarts coat of arms on it. The hall which normally was loud, was even more with the all the excitement and anticipation of our guests.

"Hey boys, did you come up with a plan to enter yet?" I asked them as I ruffled their hair and took a seat a few places down from them.

"I asked McGonagall how the champions are chosen but she wasn't telling," George said angrily, "she just told me to shut up and get on with transfiguring my raccoon."

"If anyone could figure it out it'd be you two," I winked at the twins and turned to eat my fruit as Hermione went off about the house elves and how they're treated unfairly.

Ron and I were right, she didn't last till dinner the night after the feast. She had chosen to support elf rights in different ways by wearing badges and talking to others about why it's wrong to have a house elf. She even knitted them clothes and laid them around the common room to try and trick them into being free.

As the mail came through I looked over at the Slytherin table. Draco and I hadn't talked since that evening in the Astronomy tower. Well, we'd have conversations before classes or after, but never meeting in the tower. I think we were both busy with the workload put on us in preparation for O.W.L.S.

His eyes a met my gaze and he gave me a smile. I smiled back and continued eating my breakfast hoping that Hermione was done talking about the elves.

The day went by slow as we all were excited over tonight's events. When the bell finally rang for us to dismiss we quickly ran up the steps to the Gryffindor tower and dropped off our books and ran back down to the Great Hall. Ms. McGonagall was barking orders at us all telling us to fix this, or stop that. Finally, we were all lined up in anticipation as we waited for our guests arrival.

"How do you think they'll arrive?" I asked Hermione.

"Probably the train," Ron answered.

Hermione shook her head and said "I doubt it."

As my eyes searched around I felt a familiar presence near my left side. I turned my head and looked I into the familiar grey eyes.

Draco smiled at me and said, "evening, Black."

I laughed "good evening, Malfoy," and we stood next to each other enjoying one another's company.

Just as I was getting cold Dumbledore had said "aha! Unless I'm mistaken the delegation of Beauxbatons approaches!" And right before my eyes a blue horse drawn carriage, was drawing nearer and nearer towards the castle.

The carriage was huge at least the size of a house, and was being pulled, well flown, by at least a dozen winged horses the size of elephants. As the carriage came to a stop, the largest women any of us had surely seen was walking out of it.

Honestly, I hadn't seen anyone that large except for Hagrid who was a half giant. She had short black hair and black eyes to match and to keep the trend going, was also wearing black satin attire with shining opals around her neck. As I was staring at the large woman in awe, everyone broke out in applause.

As Dumbledore and the headmaster of Beauxbaton, who we now knew was named Madam Maxime, were talking the Drumstrang boat arrived.

As we all looked toward the Black Lake a giant ship began to slowly rise up from the water. And moments later an anchor was thrown down and students began to disembark and walk towards the castle. The man who lead the group up to the castle had to have been their headmaster. He had grey hair, and was wearing a fur coat. He greeted Dumbledore and before I could catch what they were talking about, Ron whispered excitedly
"Guys! It's Krum!"

Hermione and I immediately tried to stifle a laugh as we walked back into the Great Hall to start the feast.

As we sat, Ron was going on about trying to get Krum's autograph. We all watched as the Beauxbatons sat at the Ravenclaw table and the Drumstrang students chose to sit at the Slytherin table. I saw Rons posture falter as he was upset they didn't sit with the Gryffindors.

The food suddenly appeared at the table and it definitely was a feast. The elves out did themselves with this one, there was a variety of plates from the different countries that the schools were from. We dug into our plates as we looked at the teachers table which now had four additional seats, including the two taken up from the headmasters that had just arrived.

Once the plates were cleared, Dumbledore approached the stand and began the speech. He introduced the four new arrivals, the Headmaster of Beauxbaton, Madam Maxime, Headmaster of Drumgstrang, Professor Karkaroff, the Head of the Department of International Magic Cooperation, Mr. Bartemius Crouch, and lastly Mr. Ludo Bagman who was the Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports.
Finally, Dumbledore got to the point we were all waiting for and explained the nature of the tournament.

"As you know, there will be three champions selected. One from each school represented here tonight. There will be three tasks throughout the course of the year, that the champions will take part in. The person with the highest total of points at the end of the third task will win the title of Triwizard Champion," Dumbledore explained.

"The champions will be chosen from an impartial selector, the Goblet of Fire," and with that the goblet that was in the middle of the room lit up in blue-white flames.

Gasps filled the room as we waited for Dumbledore to continue. "Those of you who wish to participate must clearly write their names on a bit of parchment and put it into the goblet. You have twenty four hours to enter, for tomorrow on Halloween, we will see who the goblet chooses to worthily represent the three schools. To ensure that no underage students yield to temptations, I will draw an age line around the perimeter of the Goblet of Fire. Lastly, do not take lightly into entering this competition. As those who are chosen are obliged to see the tournament through to the end. Placing your name in this goblet creates a magical binding contract that you cannot get out of if you are selected. Please be sure you are ready to play before you submit your name. I think that is all, goodnight."

And with that he ended the feast and we all made our way to our dormitories for the night. Discussing who would enter and who may get chosen.

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