Chapter Thirty-nine

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"There's beauty in friendship"

We spent the day enjoying the sunshine by the lake, even packing a picnic so we didn't have to go to the great hall. Hermione was still boycotting eating the Great Hall food since it was prepared by the elves, so she picked at things that didn't need prepared for, like apples.

I probably should've been a more supportive friend and joined her, but what good would it have done to starve?

Ron and I said that we'd give her till dinner before she was finally starving enough to think of another way to take a stand about elf rights.

We all sat by the lake skipping rocks and playing wizards chess. ever since Theo to taught me to skip rocks, I never wanted to stop. It was as if I was little again.

It was a relaxing day and it felt good to enjoy the last bit of warmth since the cold, fall days were right around the corner.

After dinner I made my way to the common rooms to hang out for a bit longer before I had to meet Draco in the tower. As we were sitting on the couch I overheard Fred, George, and Lee Jordan discussing ways to enter the tournament.

I shook my head and yelled across the room to them, "it's not going to work!"

"Don't believe in us, Drea? I'm hurt," George said.

"It's not that I don't believe in you, it's that Dumbledore is smarter than you give him credit for," I said matter of factly.

"Ah we will see about that!" Said Fred as they grew quieter and huddle together to discuss their plans.

I laughed and turned back to the group. I quickly checked the time and I had about 15 minutes till I needed to be at the tower.

I got up as Harry asked, "where you going?"

"To the Astronomy tower, I'll be back later." I stated and quickly left before anyone could question anything.

I arrived at the tower as Draco was walking out.
I looked at him confused, because we were suppose to meet.

"8:01, Black. You're late." He leaned up against the archway of the door and crossed his arms.

The moon made his platinum blond hair sparkle a little and I took in his appearance. He was wearing grey joggers and a green Slytherin turtleneck.

"Alright then, guess we will talk some other time," I sarcastically said and turned around towards the stairs dramatically.

He grabbed my wrist and spun me back around, "yes? I mean I'm just saying it's kind of rude to only wait one minute for me when I waited an hour for you last time." I teased and looked up into his grey eyes.

He glared at me for a moment and then smiled and said, "very well then, come on," And he led me to one of the railings to look out at the stars.

After a few moments of looking out at the stars he turned to look at me. I faced him, as he took out his wand and transformed his clothes into his all black suit. I looked him up and down before I locked eyes with him and he smiled at me cunningly,

"like it?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow.

I quickly rolled my eyes and prayed that the darkness surrounding us wouldn't give away the fact I was blushing.

"I believe you did that," I pointed up and down at his attire, "for a reason?"

"Oh yes," he cleared his throat and stood up straighter, so his posture was absolutely perfect and proper.

"I would like to formerly apologize, Ms. Black, for abandoning you up here on the night of the full moon."
His voice was pretending to be proper and sounded nothing like his normal one, I just raised an eyebrow at him and tried to suppress my laughter, "And for being an incredible ass to you and your friends," he finished.

I finally let out my laughter that I was trying to hold in.

"What the hell Malfoy?" I chuckled.

"What? I'm being serious," he laughed back.
"I didn't realize Draco Malfoy could have a sense of humor," I said.

"Humor? I was being serious," he winked, "so do you accept or what?"

"Alright, alright, I accept. Especially if Malfoy had to perform in order for me to accept," I laughed again.

"Finally," he took out his wand again and changed back into his grey joggers and green turtleneck.

"Don't tell a soul either," he winked again and laughed.

We stared at the stars for a bit before he moved a bit closer to me and said,
"You had said before you left that night, that old Malfoy was back. I felt the need to reassure you that even though new Malfoy may have been lost for a bit, he's still here." He chuckled at the last few words.

He turned to face me again and I nudged him and said "it's a pleasure to have you back," as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

It felt good to have Malfoy back as a friend. I felt as if whatever this year entailed, we would need each other to lean on.

Short chapter! Yay! I swear I either write 5 chapters a day or none for weeks, whoops.
I'm glad Draco and Drea sorted out their differences, lol.

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