Chapter Forty-nine - The First task Part One

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"We fall, we break, and we fail..."

As soon as I entered the portrait Harry was waiting for me on the couches making sure I was okay.

"You really don't have to check up on me. It's just Malfoy, Harry," I said annoyed.

"Exactly why I have to check up on you," he glared at me.

I rolled my eyes and watched as he took out a spare bit of parchment and wrote to our parents. Then, immediately left to bring it to the owlery. After he had left, I went upstairs to hopefully catch some sleep. However, with the events of tonight, it was likely I would do more thinking than sleeping.

The next few days were spent tirelessly preparing for the first task. Draco nor Hermione and Ginny had given me a break, demanding that I need to spend every moment practicing. We had decided that my best bet would probably be to cast a conjunctivitis curse at the dragon, in order to blind it, and then use any other hexes I could think of to bring the dragon down.

We weren't exactly sure what I had to do with the dragon, but we assumed it was to take it down.

The night before the first task, Draco had brought me to the astronomy tower. It had been awhile before both of us had been up here, and come to think of it we hadn't been here at all since we kissed.

Its funny how I use to come here every night to look up at the stars and think, and now it had turned into a place shared between Draco and I.

I smiled at the thought as Malfoy grabbed my hand and turned me to face him. I looked at his grey eyes as the moon made the blue speckles more prominent.

I looked at him and realized he looked nervous. The weather although had been nice lately, had turned cold as winter was upon us, and it was chillier up here than normal. I shivered as he took out his wand and cast a warming charm to keep us warm.

He cleared his throat and looked at me and gave me a small smile before he said, "I wanted to give you something... umm.. before tomorrow," and he fumbled in his pocket for a small little package that was a badly wrapped. I laughed a little at the packaging which made Draco give a little scowl, which made me smile at him.

I opened it up and inside was the ring that I had told him I liked last year when we were paired for potions. It was a silver ring that had a snake on the front with its tongue sticking out, connected to it was a chain. I held the ring and admired it, smiling.

"I figured it would be too big for your fingers, so I thought you could wear it as a necklace instead."

I wasn't exactly sure what to say, this was one of the nicest things Malfoy had done for me, so I just looked at him.

"I remembered you said you had liked it last year.... And I figured tomorrow you may want a bit of luck so..." I cut him off by kissing his cheek.

"I love it Dray, thank you," I whispered as he took the chain and helped me put it around my neck.
We turned towards the sky and he put his arm around me as we looked out.

"You will be fine you know," He whispered.

I put my head on his shoulder and sighed, "I hope so."

The next morning I woke up exhausted. Malfoy and I had stayed in the astronomy tower for far longer than either of us should have, however, neither one of us wanted to part ways from the other.

Malfoy gave me a sense of comfort that I had not felt before, and the fact he had given me his ring had helped tremendously as I anxiously played with it while I sat in the Great Hall for lunch.

All morning in classes students had been giving me glares, some even wishing me good luck. The day had unfortunately went by extremely fast, and as the day continued on my nerves got worse.

Suddenly, my thoughts were cut off as McGonagall came into the hall and over to us.

Eyes watched us as she said, "Potter, Black, the champions have to come with me. You need to get ready for your first task."

I looked over quickly at Malfoy who gave me a smile and mouthed "good luck."

Hermione also whispered "good luck" to Harry and I as we both looked at each other and followed the professor.

We made our way down to where Hagrid had brought us a few days prior. McGonagall led us into the tent with the other champions and gave us both a nod, she also didn't seem like herself.

We entered the tent and each of the champions were either sitting or pacing. The dragons were roaring in the background which made the atmosphere around us quite chilling. Cedric had saw us enter and had given me a polite smile, and I tried my best to smile back.

We sat there for awhile, Harry's hand in mine, waiting nervously for the directions for the task. I was listening to the crowd that now had gathered outside into the stands when suddenly I heard, "Psst-Black" through the curtains of the tent.

I made my way to the curtain and Malfoy grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the tent. I looked around and we were on the side where no one could see us, thankfully.

Without another word he pulled me into a hug wrapping my arms around his body and his hands holding the back of my head. He held me tightly for a moment, playing with my hair and whispered, "It's going to be okay. You're going to do great."

Which seemed like he was reassuring himself a lot more then to me. I pulled away a little and took out my necklace, "I know I am, I have my good luck charm," I said smiling up at him.

I hadn't realized, but my eye let slip a single tear, to which he wiped off of my cheek with his thumb.

Suddenly a camera flashed bright in both of our faces, making us jump back away from each other.

"Shit," Malfoy mumbled.

"Oh!" Gasped Rita Skeeter, "Young love! How.... Stirring.." She said taking a step towards us.

Malfoy and I exchanged a quick glance at each other as Krum stepped up, "You have no business here. This tent is for Champions and friends."

"No matter, we've got what we wanted," she said and left with a proud smile spread upon her face. Malfoy grabbed my hand and squeezed it before nodding and leaving.

"Umm.. Thanks, Krum," I said and he just nodded and walked back into the tent.

I didn't even have a second to think about what Rita Skeeter could possibly do with that picture before Dumbledore entered the other side of the tent saying, "Good day Champions! Gather 'round, please."

Behind him strode the others, Mr. Crouch, Mr. Bagman, and the other headmasters.

"Now you've waited, you've wondered, and at last the moment has arrived, a moment only five of you can fully appreciate. Barty, the bag." He pointed to Mr. Crouch who took out a small, purple drawstring bag.

"Gather round, champions," Mr. Crouch said ushering us to come closer.

A/N small cliffhanger! If the next part is not out tonight it will be tomorrow! Enjoy!

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