Chaper Twenty

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"The world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters. We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are."

- J.K Rowling

The next morning, we woke up early so we could say goodbye to each other. Uncle James and Aunt Lily were coming with my father to pick us up and then we were going straight to the Potters.

Hermione helped me carry my trunk down to the common room where the boys were waiting for us. When we got to the bottom of the steps, I noticed that Harry and Ron were standing and talking to four boys who looked extremely out of place.

Hermione shot me a look, and I shrugged my shoulders in response as we walked over to them.
"Hey boys, what are you doing here?" I asked.
"We couldn't leave without saying goodbye to our favorite Gryffindor!" Theo said and pulled me in for a hug, he was wearing cologne that smelled like a mixture of citrus and woods. He smelled amazing.

"Wow, Nott, that's one of the nicest things you've said to me," I said and gave him a smirk.

"I know.. who knew a Gryffindor wasn't so bad?" Mattheo said and gave me a quick hug and I punched his arm.
Last was Draco. He nodded his head in the direction of a corner and we walked over there to talk for a second.

"I knew this was one of the only ways we could properly say goodbye.." He said and hugged me.
"I'll write to you as soon as I can, Dray," I winked at him and hugged him back.

He squeezed me tight one time and whispered "I look forward to it," and we pulled apart and walked back to the group. The Slytherin boys awkwardly waved goodbye to the others and they headed out the portrait doors.
"What was that about?" Harry asked, "They were waiting in here when we came down," he finished and glared at me.

"Obviously to say goodbye, Harry," I said and rolled my eyes.
"They've never showed interest in us, or you before?" He said this a bit sassy.
"Oh give it a rest, Harry, they just wanted to say goodbye," Hermione snapped back at him and I smiled at her.

We said our final goodbyes to Ron and Hermione and we left to go down to the Great Hall to meet our parents. When we arrived they were talking with Uncle Remus and-Dumbledore? I looked at Harry but he ignored my gaze, he knew something.

Our parents saw us and we both greeted them and Dumbledore, before Dumbledore nodded and walked away.
"Why was Dumbledore talking to you guys?" I asked, hesitantly.
"He just wanted to say hello dear," My father said giving me a hug, but I could tell he was lying. What is going on? Dumbledore talking to my dad, Harry acting so secretive and protective, The thoughts raced through my mind as I hugged Aunt Lily, Uncle James, and Uncle Remus as we waited for Teddy to come down. Finally Teddy came and we all left for Harry's house.

When we arrived at the Potters it was beautifully decorated as always. Lights were hanging from the roof and around the stone wall, hung garland with red bows, each window had a wreath of its own that lit up. Freshly laid snow made the house feel even more cozy.

We walked into the house and as always the stairs were lined with garland with beautiful red bows, and the tree was decorated in red and gold ribbon. It felt as if this house was built right out of a Christmas movie.

We brought our luggage to our rooms and we joined everyone downstairs for lunch. While we sat at the big dining room table, that was lined with beautiful mini Christmas trees and lanterns, we made small talk about how our year was going so far.

I glanced at Harry every so often expecting him to mention me being friends with Draco, and thankfully he didn't.
Teddy had told us about all he was learning during his second year and how he planned to try out for quidditch next year just to give it a try.

If the War Never Happened (years 3-4)Where stories live. Discover now