Chapter Twenty-nine

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"Spring exists to remind us that everything can begin again."


After Draco left from the table, he didn't attend any of his classes. I suppose he realized it be better to be in his dorm then to hear the laughter all day. I almost went to check on him, but Harry had told me not to.

Fred and George took credit for the prank, which was okay with us. They even got sent to Dumbledores office, but no one could prove it was them so they got off free. It had been a few days and students were still talking about the prank. I had started to feel guilty, but then I would see Astoria with Draco and suddenly, the guilt would vanish.

The day after the prank I went to go look for my book, but it was gone and wasn't anywhere to be found. I figured it would show up eventually and if not, I'd buy a new one.

Despite Malfoy and I not talking very much, everything was going well. It was hard to believe it was almost April.

It was a beautiful spring day. The air was finally warm and there was a light breeze. It was one of those days you despised being stuck inside with classes. The warm weather meant it was almost time for my birthday, which was in about two weeks and I was getting excited. Usually, my father would send me a gift and my friends would throw me a party. It was my favorite.

We were sitting in Defense Against the Dark Arts, when the doors opened and Snape came storming in the room, shutting the blinds on the windows, and pulling down a projector. He turned around quite dramatically in Snape fashion and said, "Turn to page 394."
You could hear books being opened and pages being turned.

"Excuse me sir, where's Professor Lupin?" Harry asked exactly what I was thinking. We would call him Uncle Remus, but Snape would take house points like it was taking candy from a baby.
"It's not really your concern, is it Potter?" He glared at him and then continued, "it's suffice to say your professor finds himself incapable of teaching at this present time. Turn to page 394," he stated again and turned on a projector. "Werewolves," Ron gasped.

Snape also hates Uncle Remus, also formerly known to the marauders as Moony. When Uncle James, who was Prongs, Uncle Remus, and my father attended Hogwarts they did some pretty awful things to Snape, mainly Uncle James, but that didn't stop Snape from holding a grudge to everyone involved including their children. Which meant he only was teaching this lesson to show us that Uncle Moony was a werewolf, hence the name, Moony. He probably wanted someone to figure it out in order for him to get fired. Jokes on Snape though, the person who hired him would also have to fire him, and Dumbledore took a particular liking to Uncle Moony.

Suddenly, Hermione appeared almost out of thin air. I knew she had a time turner, however the boys did not. She's using it to get to multiple classes. Her being the overachiever she is, took on a course load that can only be completed with a time turner. Hermione chimed in, "but sir, we've only begun learning about redcaps and hinkypunks."
I finished her statement, "We're not meant to start nocturnal beasts for weeks."
Ron looked over and said to Harry, "when did she come in? Did you see her come in?" Harry shook his head, and I stifled a laugh.

"Quiet!" Snape hissed, "now, which one of you can tell me the difference between an animagus and a werewolf?" Snape asked and Hermione and my hand both shot up.
"No one? How disappointing," Snape said completely ignoring us.
"Please, sir," Hermione said "an Animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal, a werewolf has no choice." Then I cut her off and chimed in, "with each full moon, when he transforms, he no longer remembers who he is.. even if his bestfriend were to cross his path. Furthermore, the werewolf only responds to the call of its own kind," I finished.

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