Chapter Forty-two

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"Ready Fred? Ready George.

Bottoms up."

The next day, with it being Saturday, usually would be spent sleeping in and then spending it by the lake. However much to my dismay, the group wanted to spend the morning waiting around the Goblet of Fire trying to see who had the guts to enter the tournament.

Personally, I could've cared less about the gossip on who was entering. I think Ron just wanted an excuse to see Krum.

I put on my jumper and a pair of jeans and lazily made my way to the bathroom to finish getting ready. I threw my hair up in a low ponytail and brought down two strands of hair to frame my face, and finished my look off with some mascara. I took one last look in the mirror and shrugged.
Good enough.

I put on my white vans and left my room.

"Good morning," I yawned to the group who was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs.

They all laughed a little and Ron asked, "Who do you reckons put their name in already?"

"Probably all of Drumstrang, they'd have done it first thing," Harry answered him.

We made our way down the corridors to the entrance hall where the goblet was held. Harry and Ron met up with Teddy who was standing against the wall next to the stairs, and Hermione, Ginny, and I sat on the stairs that lead down to the great hall.

We were not the only ones who were gathered to watch the brave souls who decided to enter the tournament. I scanned my eyes around the room, I noticed there were a group of Ravenclaw third years across from us, and a few Hufflepuff and Slytherins scattered here and there around the hallway.

As Hermione was reading one of her books and one of the girls from the Ravenclaw group explained who had already entered the competition, the Slytherin boys had made their way into the hall. Each of them gave me a small wave, except for Riddle who still refused to look at me.

Suddenly, we were interrupted as the Drumstrang lot came strutting in with their headmaster. One by one they each entered their name, and when Krum made it to the front Ron gasped which made Ginny and I laugh.

I had noticed that Hermione had lifted her eyes from the book she was reading to watch, and as Krum walked by he gave Hermione a look that made her blush. I quickly made eye contact with her and raised my eyebrows at her "What was that?" She smiled and shrugged her shoulders as she continued to read her book.

As we sat there watching, a group of Hufflepuffs came in the hall cheering Cedric's name and pushing him forward. I looked at Teddy who was clapping and chanting Cedrics name as well.

Cedric gave me a wink as he placed his name into the goblet and turned around and walked back away. This time it was Hermione's turn to give me the eyes and say "what was that?" To which I mocked her and smiled as I shrugged my shoulders and looked away.

I looked up at Draco who seemed suddenly pissed off and was staring daggers at Cedric, who was making his way into the Great Hall for breakfast. As Cedric disappeared into the hall, Draco locked eyes with me and gave me a scowl as he quickly looked away.

What the hell? I thought and rolled my eyes.

My thoughts were cut off as I heard the twins laughter floating down the stairs.

Fred, George, and Lee Jordan were laughing and pushing people out of their way as Fred excitedly let out "we did it!" And George and Fred high-fived.

"It's not going to work," Hermione said as she shut her book and rolled her eyes.

The twins sat on either side of us and George said as he raised an eyebrow "and whys that?"

"We already told you," I answered and Hermione chimed in "Because Dumbledore made the age line himself. Of course he's not going to be fooled by something as pathetically dim-witted as an aging potion."

"But! Thats why it is going to work," said George,

"Because it's so pathetically dim-witted," Fred finished.

With that they stood up as George said "Ready, Fred?"

And Fred answered "Ready George"

"bottoms up!" They said together and they clinked their potions and took a sip.

They both took a step towards the ring and entered it as cheers across the hall were heard as what seemed to be their victory.

However, as they put their names into the Goblet of Fire, flames shot out and the twins went flying. I hurriedly got up and ran over to the pair who were laying on the floor.

As I looked at them, I noticed they had now aged more than a few months, but several years. They each had grey hair and long beards. Laughter now filled the room as the twins looked at each other and started wrestling on the ground about who's fault it was that it didn't work. I looked over at Hermione who triumphantly was smiling at the twins, proud of the fact she was right about it not working. After letting them fight a little, Lee finally made his way through the crowed and gathered the twins and took them to the hospital wing to get sorted out.

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