Chapter Fifty-one

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"It's such a fine line between feeling everything and nothing at all.."

- k. Tolnoe

We made our way down to the lake slowly. Malfoy helping me walk, despite my efforts telling him I didn't full need his help. Thankfully, the medicine was kicking in and I could no longer feel the pain the dragon scratch had caused.

We sat next to the familiar rock that my group hangs out almost every Saturday, Draco leaning against the rock and my head on his lap, the golden egg next to me.

We sat like this for awhile, enjoying one another's company before I brought up what had now occupied my mind. I carefully spun the necklace throughout my fingers, "You know.. I hate to bring it up, but Rita is totally going to publish something on us.."

I said as I looked up at him. He continued to look out at the lake for a moment and then looked back down at me, smirking, "Damn Black, you just defeated a dragon and you're worried about that?"

I shoved my elbow playfully into his chest, "it's just your father..." I said as I looked at my necklace.

"I know.. but let me worry about him. You have enough to worry about."

I looked up at him, and he sighed looking down at me, "yeah, I know.. you aren't really going to let this go," he smirked. "Let's just see what she writes and then I'll go from there," and he gave me a reassuring smile.

"They're throwing a party tonight, the Gryffindors," I sat up and hugged my knees to my chest.

The thought of a party when I literally risked my life when I didn't ask for it sounded wrong.

He raised one eyebrow at me, "and I'm guessing you want me to go?"

I looked at him and said, "and maybe the other Slytherins?"

He nodded and put his arm around me.

We sat there for awhile listening to the waves crash onto the shore, it was peaceful. I almost asked exactly what Draco and I were, but I didn't want to ruin the moment.. so I stayed quiet and breathed a sigh of relief that the next task was three months away.

We stayed there for awhile before we walked back up to the castle together, only parting when he left for the dungeons to get the rest of the Slytherin boys for the party.

I waited at the stairs for the boys, not wanting to enter the party alone.

"Hey, LP," Harry said which snapped me out of my thoughts.

"oh hey," I answered.

"Coming up to the party?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just am waiting for the Slytherin boys, I invited them..." I said as I looked down at the floor.

He didn't answer for a moment and I hesitantly looked up.

"They're just my-" I started but he cut me off.

"friends.. I know Drea," he sighed.

It might have been the lack of sleep, or the stress from the tournament but I snapped and asked "What exactly is the problem with that?"

I know I'm his heart he meant good, but I'm growing tired of his constant disapproval. I made my choice, he needs to back off.

"I know you've heard it before... you have one of the best hearts of anyone I know.. its just sometimes that makes you blind towards people," he answered softly.

I glared at him for a second and urged him to get to the point.

"Those boys, Drea... Almost all of them were supporters of-"

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