1) The Hales

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Act I

Werewolves and murders

(Episode 1-12)



Hazel was the youngest sister of Derek Hale the daughter to Talia Hale and niece to Peter Hale.

After the fire had burned their family alive Derek and Hazel had left together and from that moment on Derek had, became Hazel's legal guardian.

The two had returned to Beacon Hills after the death of their older sister as a way to lure them both back home.


"I'm not going to school" Hazel told Derek. "You have to I'm your guardian" Derek said. "Only because mom didn't want me to end up like Peter" Hazel said.

"Hazel there's a new beta out there I saw him earlier he was bitten by the alpha" Derek said.

"Okay so not my problem I didn't even want to come back in the first place" Hazel said. "Well, you have no choice you're going to school end of story" Derek said and left. Hazel groaned falling onto her bed.


Stiles, Scott, and Allison were in English class when the principal had walked in with Hazel. Everyone had looked at her including Scott and Stiles recognizing her from somewhere.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you again but it appears we have another new student" the vice principal said.

"Everyone this is Hazel Hale please do make her feel welcome" the vice principal said and left. "Hale" Scott asked Stiles.

"She's Derek's little sister he became her guardian after their mom died" Stiles said. "Hazel lovely to meet you always a pleasure to have a new student two in fact please have a seat and we'll begin" the teacher had said, and Hazel had gone and sat down.


Hazel was at her locker when Lydia and Allison came up. "Your Hazel right your new" Lydia asked. "Yeah, I guess you could say that" Hazel said.

"I'm Lydia and this is Allison she's also new" Lydia said. "Nice to meet you" Hazel said. "We're getting ready to watch the lacrosse team you wanna join" Lydia asked.

"I don't know I'm not really big on" Hazel said and Lydia started dragging her. "Okay guess I'm going" Hazel said.

Hazel sat with Lydia and Allison in the bleachers while they watched the lacrosse team practice.

Scott was in goal and Hazel had smelt a werewolf and once she looked at Scott, she automatically knew Scott was the new beta.

"Well, this should be fun" Hazel said to herself. "Who is that" Allison asked Lydia.

"Him I'm not sure who he is why" Lydia asked. "He's in my English class" Allison said. Scott started catching the balls thrown at him as he was surprised, and Hazel knew it was because of his werewolf abilities.

"He seems like he's pretty good" Allison said. "Oh, very good" Lydia said.

Hazel had got a message from Derek saying he was here. "My brother's here I'll see you guys later" Hazel said and left.


"Had a run in with the new beta his name's Scott" Hazel said. "Yeah, heard he was going to a party when I was out" Derek said. "Were you stalking him" Hazel asked. "No, he came on our property looking for his inhaler" Derek said.

"And you being the scary person you are, scared him off" Hazel said. "I'm not that scary" Derek said. "Have you met you" Hazel asked.

"Whatever I need you to go to that party see if you can get him to trust you" Derek said. "No" Hazel said. "Hazel" Derek said. "Derek, I love you but even if I wanted to, he has the hots for an Argent I doubt I can do much" Hazel said.

"Would you still go with me help me keep an eye on him" Derek asked. "Sure" Hazel said.


Derek and Hazel had gone to the party staying off to the side so no one would notice them. When all of a sudden Scott had left and Derek and Hazel went to Allison.

"Hey Allison, this is my brother Derek also Scott's friend" Hazel said. "Do you need a ride home" Hazel asked.

"Yeah, I think so Scott just left in a hurry" Allison said. "Come on we can drop you off" Hazel said. "Thanks" Allison said.


Derek and Hazel had found Scott in the woods after Scott had found Allison's jacket.

"Where is she" Scott asked. "She's safe from you" Derek said and attacked Scott as they started fighting. "Boys" Hazel said shaking her head and followed them.

Derek had pinned Scott to the tree. "What did you do with her" Scott asked.

"You think we did something you're kidding right" Hazel said and then heard noises. "Derek" she said.

"They're already here run" Derek said grabbing Hazel's hand running with her as Scott went to run but was blinded before getting shot with an arrow.

Derek and Hazel had saw the scene. "Take him" Argent said. Hazel and Derek knocked out the hunters without being seen as Argent saw.

Derek had got out the arrow and he, Hazel, and Scott ran. "Who were they" Scott asked. "Hunters" Hazel said. "The kind that have been hunting us for centuries" Derek said.

"Us you mean you, you did this to me" Scott said. "What no he did" Hazel started to say when Derek interrupted her.

"Is it really so, bad Scott that you can see better hear more clearly move faster than any human being could ever hope you've been given something that most people would kill for the bite is a gift" Derek said.

"The bite is a" Hazel said before facepalming. "I don't want it" Scott said. "You will and you're gonna need me and my sister if you want to learn how to control it so you and me Scott, we're brothers now" Derek said.

"Okay let's go home before you make this worse see you at school" Hazel said and left with Derek.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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