3) tryouts

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Hazel was in her room when Derek came in and saw her still on the bed. "Don't you have school" Derek asked and sat next to her. Hazel turned to face him.

"How am I alive" Hazel asked. "I don't know, and I don't care I'm just glad that you are I thought I never see my baby sis again" Derek said.

Hazel smiled before laying her head on his shoulder. "Don't ever do anything like that again" Derek said. "What risk my life for the ones I love" Hazel asked.

"No promises" Hazel said and Derek smiled at her. "I know it's who you are and I'm proud of you for it" Derek said and Hazel smiled. "Thanks Der" Hazel said. "Always" Derek said.


Lydia and Hazel were in math class with Stiles came over with Malia sitting beside Lydia with Hazel behind Lydia and Stiles behind Malia.

"School is important and math is essential" Stiles said as soon as he sat down.

"To what" Malia asked. "Knowing how much to tip at restaurants" Stiles said. "Okay but that doesn't mean she has to like math even I hate math" Hazel said.

"Okay but you don't like a lot of things including people" Stiles said.

"I wonder why oh wait because people suck" Hazel said. "You were nicer when you were 6" Stiles said and Hazel gave him a fake smile. 

"Don't forget I will punch you if you annoy me" Hazel said.

Lydia rolled her eyes at Hazel and Stiles before she spoke to Malia. "And other less important things like medicine, economics, engineering" Lydia said to Malia. "Tipping" Stiles said.

"Alright volunteers to the board Lydia, Diego, Malia" Ms. Flemming said. Lydia and Diego then went to the board.

"Um I didn't volunteer" Malia said. "You did now to the board" Ms. Flemming said and Malia looked at Stiles who gave her a thumbs up and she growled going to the board.

"Now look who's not the only mean one" Hazel said. Malia tried to do the problem but didn't have a clue on what the answer was.

"Did you go over the notes I gave you" Lydia asked Malia. "I didn't understand them" Malia said.

Lydia looked to make sure Ms. Flemming wasn't paying attention.

"X equals 25 and sweetheart put away the claws" Lydia told Malia going to sit down after solving her problem. Malia looked at her claws before quickly putting them away.


"An axe murder" Kira asked once Stiles filled Kira, Hazel, and Scott in on the news.

"A family murdering axe murder" Stiles said. "I already heard about it" Scott said. "Wait what you did how" Stiles asked.

"My mom called me she knew we'd see it on the news" Scott said once they all reached Scott's locker. "Perfect, let's go" Stiles said. "Whoah, whoah we've got Econ in five minutes" Scott said.

"Alright did you forget the part about the family murdering axe murder" Stiles asked.

"Did you forget I can pull your tongue out of your head" Hazel asked. "Of course, we didn't forget we're just staying out of it remember" Hazel said. 

"Did you forget your dad's the sheriff" Scott asked. "They want us to stay out of it" Scott said.

"Are you guys kidding me there's a family axe murdering murderer and we're not going to do anything about it" Stiles said. "Maybe we should just let the adults handle it" Kira said.

"It's not like it's supernatural right" Hazel said. "So, the three of you, you just want to stay here school go to class" Stiles said.

"Sounds about right" Hazel said. "Never heard anything so irresponsible in my life" Stiles said leaving. "See you at tryout's" Scott told Stiles seeing him leave the three alone. 

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