18) healing

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"Hey it's me again I uh don't know why you can't seem to call me back maybe it's because you think you're punishing me but this is too long it's too much and it's not about us something's happening to Beacon Hills to the people here I just, I just I need to know everyone there with you is okay so can you just please call me please one call that's all I'm asking for and if you can't call me back then I'm going to get my answer anyway that means I'm coming up there myself if I don't get a call from you I'm coming up there so just try, try to remember it's my pack too" the voicemail said from the phone Malia found.

"You pulled this off one of the bodies in the woods" Theo asked. "Malia did" Liam said.

"Yeah, there were six dead bodies and one of them had no face" Scott said. "Well, that's sure to give somebody nightmares for life" Hazel said.

"Okay so the one with no face you think that's the woman on the phone" Theo asked. "Maybe" Scott said.

"It's the same thing that happened to Aaron it took over his body basically stole his face and his DNA so that means whoever this woman is she could be the other half of the Anuk-ite" Mason said.

"Which means she's just half of the problem" Theo said. "The other half we already know about Aaron" Hazel said.

"We don't know where he is though" Liam said. "Okay hold on aren't we supposed to keep both halves apart" Theo asked. "If we know about one half let's just go for that one that's Aaron" Theo said.

"I'm not agreeing with Theo, but I do think it be easier to track down Aaron over a voice on a phone" Mason said.

"That's agreeing with Theo" Liam said. "Yeah, but I thought I'd try to soften the blow a bit" Mason said.

"Is everyone completely shocked that I might be right" Theo asked.

"No, we just don't like it" Liam said. "Maybe we're all right maybe we should be looking for both Aaron and the woman on the phone I mean since you guys agree" Scott said.

"Wait you mean me and him" Mason asked. "Don't worry Hazel will be there although you may have to watch her more than Theo" Scott said.

"Geh thanks" Hazel said sarcastically. "You three find Aaron, Liam and I will try to figure out whose voice is on the phone" Scott said.

"If we find either half maybe we don't have to fight at all" Liam said. "Here's hoping" Hazel said.

"Stop the Anuk-ite" Liam said. "Stop the war" Scott said.


Hazel got down from the ladder as they were in the tunnels and Mason came down right after her. "That's a pretty egotistical thing to say don't you think" Mason asked.

"You'd never be able to find Aaron on your own you're not smart enough" Mason said.

"So, if you found him what were you gonna do beat him up with your AP calculus book" Theo asked. "I can be resourceful" Mason said. "You brought the bat like that'll help" Hazel said. Theo took the bat and tossed it.

"Was that necessary" Mason asked. Mason went to his bat and picked it back up. "Okay so you're the smart one" Theo said.

"Why are we down here shouldn't we be looking around the school or somewhere with better lighting" Theo asked.

"Aaron hasn't been in class for days the last sighting of the faceless was in the tunnels Parrish burned the body but you know none of us have been back down here to check" Mason said.

"Why not" Theo asked. "Because we're scared, you big idiot" Hazel said after a moment. "We're all scared to come back down here" Mason added.

"You two feel it right" Mason asked. "It's like it doesn't want us here" Mason said. "Makes two of us" Theo said and shielded Hazel from getting hurt.

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