9) Wolf's bane

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Mr. Harris was in his classroom late at night getting ready to head home for the night when he heard the alpha growling. "Please don't kill me" Mr. Harris said.

"Do you know who wrote that list" the alpha asked. "Laura, Laura Hale" Mr. Harris said.

"Do you know why she was looking for me" the alpha asked. "I know why turn around Adrian turn around and I'll show you turn around" the alpha said. "No please" Mr. Harris said.

"Look at me look at what you've done" Mr. Harris said. The alpha started throwing chairs.

"Get down" Derek said as he and Hazel rushed to Harris pulling him down as the alpha continued throwing chairs. 

Then all of a sudden it stopped, and Hazel and Derek looked getting up. They both had heard police sirens. "This is the police you're surrounded no one leaves the building" a cop said.

"You've got to be kidding me" Hazel said. Derek grabbed Hazel's hand and they started running.


Derek and Hazel were currently running from the cops on foot. "Repeat suspects are on foot we're in pursuit heading northwest" Noah said over the radio as they continued following after Derek and Hazel while Derek still had a firm grip on Hazel's hand.

Derek and Hazel stopped when they saw Argent's car and started heading into the iron works running.

"They're on foot just ran into the iron works" Argent told Kate. 

"Wait, Wait did you say on foot" Kate asked. "Yeah, into the Iron Works" Argent said. "Running" Kate asked.

"Yes running" Argent said. "If they're still on foot then who is driving Derek's car" Kate asked.


Scott was currently driving Derek's car with Stiles in the passenger side driving fast as Kate was chasing them. "Faster" Scott asked.

Stiles had looked and saw Kate was gaining on them. "Much faster" Stiles said. Scott then started driving faster.


"Come on get the dogs" Noah said and the dogs went after Hazel and Derek. Hazel saw them coming towards them. "Derek" Hazel said.

Derek turned around glowing his eyes with his fangs shown and roared causing the dogs to go back. "Nice work Der" Hazel said. "Come on baby sis" Derek said grabbing her hand running again.


Stiles looked seeing Kate was gaining on them. "Hey Scott, I don't think you're grasping the concept of the car chase here" Stiles said.

"If I go faster, I'll kill us" Scott said. "Well, if you don't go faster, they're gonna kill us" Stiles said and Scott drove faster. Stiles looked no longer seeing Kate.

"They're gone" Stiles said. Stiles had turned on the radio. "All unit's suspects are on foot heading into the Iron Works" Noah said over the radio.


Derek and Hazel were walking when they were blinded. Once they had their vision back, they saw Argent shooting arrows and they quickly hid. Scott and Stiles pulled up with Stiles in the back.

"Get in" Stiles said. Argent started shooting at them and Hazel got in the back with Stiles while Derek got in the passenger's side shutting the door and Scott drove off.

"What part of laying low don't you understand" Scott asked. "We had him" Derek said. "Who the alpha" Stiles asked.

"Who else" Hazel said. "He was right in front of us, and the freaking police showed up" Derek said. "Whoa hey they're just doing their jobs" Stiles said.

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