22) I love you, goodbye

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Hold still, don't fight it, hold still almost there" Deaton said as he got the nogitsune out of Aiden and threw it down the drain in the water.

"Issac your next" Deaton said. "I'm aware alright" Issac said as Deaton pulled him trying to get the nogitsune out. "Don't fight it, don't fight, Issac, stay still" Deaton said. 

"Got it" Deaton said once he got it out throwing it down the drain in the water.

Isaac made his way out of the shower and Deaton turned the water off. "Are they okay now" Allison asked. "I hope so" Issac said.

"The part that's worrisome is that this was most likely just a distraction for what was happening to Stiles" Deaton said.

"There's really two of them now" Kira asked. "Yeah, there is" Hazel said. "How is that even possible" Kira asked. "But how did the other one just take Lydia" Allison asked.

"We turned around and they were gone so was her car" Deaton said. "So, no one notices him just kidnapping her right out of the house" Aiden asked.

"Most of us were concentrated on the bizarre sight of a creature materializing from out of the floor" Deaton said.

"Why think you could have done better" Hazel asked. "Hold on how are you so sure which Stiles is which" Kira asked.

"That's what they're trying to figure out now" Deaton said.


"You're going with them to u can't go Hazel" Derek said. "Why not" Hazel asked. "You could get hurt" Derek said.

"Don't you get it if you die, I won't be the same" Derek said. "I'll be fine I have to save Lydia I have to" Hazel said and Derek sighed.

"Promise me you'll be safe" Derek said. "I promise I love you Der" Hazel said. "I love you too baby sis" Derek said.


Stiles picked Hazel up after they found out where Void was keeping Lydia and she sat next to Issac in the back with Scott and Stiles in the front.

They were now on their way there to save Lydia. "Hey, you okay" Stiles asked Scott.

"Yeah" Scott said. "Yeah, you don't have to worry about me" Scott said once again. "Alright I'll say it you look like you're dying you're pale, thin, and you look like you're getting worse and we're all sitting here thinking it" Issac said.

"When we find the other you is, he gonna look, like he's getting better" Issac asked.

"What happens if he gets hurt" Scott asked. "You mean if he dies do I die I don't care just so long no one else dies because of me I remember everything I did Scott I remember pushing that sword into you, I remember twisting it" Stiles said.

"It wasn't you" Scott said. "Yeah, but I remember it you guys gotta promise me you can't let anyone else get hurt because of me " Stiles said.


Scott, Hazel, Stiles, Isaac, Kira, and Allison made it to the place where Void was keeping Lydia.

"We've done this before guys a couple of weeks ago we were standing around just like this and we saved Malia remember" Scott asked.

"That was a total stranger this is Lydia" Scott said. "I'm here to save my best friend" Allison said. "I came to save mine" Scott said.

"I just didn't feel like doing any homework" Issac said and Scott was about to go in before Hazel stopped him making her way to him. "Scott" Hazel said. "Yeah" Scott said.

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