6) calling the Alpha

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Derek and Hazel decided to surprise Scott at the parking garage when he had dropped the milk and they rolled it back which Scott noticed and he looked up not realizing it was Derek and Hazel.

Derek and Hazel growled causing Scott to run as they chased him.

Scott jumped on the cars hearing Derek and Hazel behind him as they continued to chase him.

Scott hid behind a car when his phone rang, and he tried to silence it.

He eventually got it to stop but too late as Derek pulled him up and slammed him on the hood of the car with Hazel beside him. "You're dead" Derek said.


"What was that" Scott yelled at Derek and Hazel. "Said I was gonna teach you I didn't say when" Derek said.

"I just came for the fun of it gotta say it was entertaining to see you so scared" Hazel said. "You scared the crap out of me" Scott told Derek. "Not yet" Derek said.

"Okay but I was fast right" Scott asked. "Not fast enough" Hazel said. "But, but the car alarm thing that was smart right" Scott asked.

"Til your phone rang" Derek said. "Yeah, but that was I mean would you just stop please" Scott said and Hazel and Derek faced Scott. "What happened the other night Stiles's dad getting hurt that was my fault I should have been there to do something I need you to teach me how to control this" Scott said.

"Look Hazel and I are what we are because of birth you were bitten teaching someone who was bitten takes time I don't even know if I can teach you" Derek said.

"What do I have to do" Scott asked. "You have to get rid of distractions" Hazel said.

Derek grabbed Scott's phone showing him a missed call from Allison. "You see this, this is why we caught you, you want me to teach you get rid of her" Derek said. "Yeah, have fun with that" Hazel said.

"What just because of her family" Scott asked and Derek threw his phone.

"Wait, wait whoa, whoa" Scott said seeing what Derek did. "You, getting angry" Derek asked. "That's your first lesson you want to learn how to control this how to shift you do it through anger by tapping into a primal animal rage and you can't do that with her around" Derek said. "I can get angry" Scott said.

"Not angry enough this is the only way I can teach you" Derek said.

"Now can you stay away from her at least until after the full moon" Derek asked. "If that's what it takes" Scott said.

"Yeah, right he's like a lovesick puppy" Hazel said. "Do you want to live do you want to protect your friends yes or no" Derek asked. "Yes, if you can teach me, I can stay away from her" Scott said.

"Again, good luck with that puppy" Hazel said and she and Derek left.


After Scott had a run in with the alpha, he had rushed home and ran up to his room closing the door quickly along with shutting his windows and locking them.

Scott turned around and jumped slightly when he saw Hazel and Derek. "Gah what do you two ever separate" Scott asked.

"You seriously need to stop doing that" Scott said. "So, what happened" Derek asked. "Did he talk to you" Hazel asked.

"Yeah, we had a nice conversation about the weather no he didn't talk" Scott said. "If you want to keep your teeth, I highly suggest you watch the attitude" Hazel said.

"Did you get anything off of him an impression" Derek asked. "What do you mean" Scott asked and Derek and Hazel sighed before Derek stood up facing Scott with Hazel by his side.

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