2) complicated feelings

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Hazel was walking home when Isaac bumped into her nearly knocking her down, but he quickly caught her seeing it was Hazel.

"Hazel I'm so sorry" Issac said. "Are you okay" Issac asked his girlfriend. "Yeah, I'm fine" Hazel said and saw dry blood on Issacs's face. "Are you okay" Hazel asked.

"You got a little" Hazel said wiping the dry blood off. "Yeah, it's my dad he threw a glass at me, and it got stuck in my cheek and I took it out and he had saw it heal" Issac said.

"Okay hey I'm here now okay" Hazel said, and Issac had hugged her. He had pulled away when they heard a scream. "Did you hear that" Issac asked. 

Hazel had grabbed his hand going to the scene. "Stay behind me" Hazel said.

"Well, that's not something you want to hear from your girlfriend I should be the one protecting you" Issac said.

"You can next time" Hazel said and investigated Isaac's dad's body. "I think he's dead" Hazel said.


Isaac and Hazel had rushed back to the Hale House. "Derek, Derek" Issac yelled. "What's wrong" Derek asked making his presence known. "My dad we think he's dead" Issac said.

Derek had walked closer to them. "What did you do" Derek asked. "That's the thing it wasn't me" Issac said.


"You really don't remember anything" Allison asked Lydia as she, Hazel, and Lydia were about to walk in the school.

"They called it a fugue state which is basically a way of saying we have no idea why you can't remember running through the woods naked for two days but personally I don't care I lost mine pounds" Lydia said.

"Well as much as I would love to stay and chat, I promised my boyfriend I watch him practice" Hazel said. "You have a new boyfriend" Lydia asked.

"Yeah, it's pretty new but he's really great" Hazel said. "Who is he" Allison asked. "Issac Lahey, I'll see you later Lydia" Hazel said and left quickly.


Isaac had saw Hazel come on the field and she waved at him. He had smiled at her making his way to her. "You came" Issac said.

"Of course, I did you're my boyfriend remember" Hazel said. "Think I have a shot" Issac asked.

"You're a werewolf of course you have a shot" Hazel said. "I guess your right" Issac said. "But if you really need it" Hazel said and kissed him which didn't go unseen by Scott as he again got jealous.

It had made him wonder why he was getting jealous of the two now he's never liked her more than a friend or anything more at least that's what he thought.

"Go I'll cheer you on" Hazel said and pulled away from the kiss and Isaac went on the field.

Soon enough Scott had started knocking players down which Hazel had saw. "What is that idiot doing" Hazel asked herself.  Eventually he had made it to Isaac and the two looked at each other glowing their eyes until a whistle was blown.

Their eyes had gone back to normal. Hazel had saw cops and Isaac had gone to them.

"Crap" Hazel said rushing out of there. But not before Issac saw Hazel look at Scott with a look that he recognized with love.


Hazel had made it out of the school with Scott only to be late. They were about to head inside when Derek pulled up.

"Get in" Derek said and Hazel immediately got in. "Are you serious you did that, that's your fault" Scott said.

"I know that now get in the car and help me" Derek said. "No, I've got a better idea I'm gonna call a lawyer because a lawyer might actually have a chance at getting him out before the moon goes up" Scott said.

"Not when they see the house" Hazel said. "What do you mean" Scott asked. "Whatever Jackson said to the cops what's in the house worse a lot worse" Derek said and Scott eventually got it and Derek had taken off.


"If Isaac didn't kill his father who did" Scott asked. "Someone else obviously" Hazel said. "We don't know yet" Derek said. "Then how do you know he's telling the truth" Scott asked.

"Because I trust my senses and it's a combination of them not just your sense of smell" Derek said.

"You saw the lacrosse thing today" Scott asked. "Yeah" Derek said. "Did it look that bad" Scott asked. "Yeah" Derek said.


"You wanna learn let's start now" Derek said. "What's down there" Scott asked. "Motive" Derek said, and Scott started making his way downstairs.

"And what am I looking for" Scott asked. "Follow your senses" Derek said.

"What happened down here" Scott asked. "The kind of thing that leaves an impression" Derek said.

Eventually Scott had made to the freezer and jumped when he saw Derek and Hazel. "Open it" Derek said and Scott did, seeing Images of Isaac before closing it back.


"This is why he said yes to you" Scott said. "Yeah, pretty much" Hazel said. "Everyone wants power" Derek said. "If we help you then you have to stop you can't just go around turning people into werewolves" Scott said.

"I can if they're willing" Derek said. "That is true" Hazel said. "Did you tell Isaac about the Argents about being hunted" Scott asked.

"Yes, and he still asked" Derek said. "Then he's an idiot" Scott said. "Okay what if it was you if you were the one being beaten to death, but you couldn't say anything" Hazel asked.

"You have no idea what he's been through he didn't have much of a choice" Hazel said.

"Hazel" Scott said. Hazel just left the room as Scott sighed to himself secretly watching her walk away unaware that he did that because of his feelings for her.


Hazel was in her room dancing away not even realizing Isaac had walked up and was watching her. Dancing had always helped Hazel in ways Derek couldn't and she really needed it after today.

After she had turned still dancing around, she saw Issac and stopped dancing.

"Issac hey" Hazel said and turned off the music. "I didn't know you could dance" Isaac said. "It's just a little hobby" Hazel said, and Issac nodded.

Issac had made his way to Hazel and smiled at her. "What" Hazel said. "I never known someone could be this beautiful" Isaac said and Hazel blushed.

"If I ask you something promise not to be mad" Issac asked. "Depends, what it is" Hazel said. "What's the deal with you and Scott" Issac asked.

"What do you mean" Hazel asked. "I don't know it's just like one look and you're totally in love with each other I saw it on the field" Isaac said. "I don't know what you saw you must be seeing things because I don't like Scott, I like you" Hazel said.

"But you are not the first person to assume that" Hazel added.  "You, sure" Issac asked.

"Because sometimes we say we don't like someone in that way not realizing that they actually do" Issac said. "I'm sure" Hazel said.

"Okay" Isaac said, and Hazel smiled. "Wanna teach me some moves" Issac asked. "Sure" Hazel said teaching Issac some dance moves not realizing what he had said got Hazel thinking if she really did have feelings for Scott and just never realized it.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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