8) visionary

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A 15-year-old Derek was running from the hunters who happened to be the Argents carrying a 6-year-old Hazel.

"Der why are we running" Hazel asked. "I'll explain everything later baby sis okay right now we need to get to safety okay" Derek said. "Okay Der" Hazel said.

Derek tripped landing on the ground but held onto Hazel tight so she wouldn't get hurt.

They both saw the emitter and they both covered their ears with Derek doing his best with one hand as he held Hazel in the other. "It's so loud" Hazel said. "I know baby sis I know" Derek said. 

Derek quickly got up and started running again while still holding Hazel.

Derek stopped suddenly hearing the noise again as he and Hazel covered their ears once again and he started running again and he nearly ran into a werewolf and Derek stopped and looked at him.

"You both are Hales aren't you" the werewolf asked, and Derek quickly covered Hazel's eyes once he saw the werewolf was shot not wanting his little sister traumatized. 

Derek saw the hunter and he shot at Derek when Peter caught it, and they began to run again when they found a place and hid.

"Come here squirt give your big brother a break" Peter said grabbing Hazel and she laid on Peter's shoulder. "Now stay quiet squirt okay" Peter said and Hazel nodded as Derek just watched his sister grateful, she was still alive.


"They were there for two days waiting, hiding that's what we're taught to do when the hunters find us hide and heal" Cora said.

"Okay so is two days standard then or are we thinking Derek's on like some extended getaway" Stiles asked. Cora turned around and faced Stiles. "Why do you care" Cora asked.

"Why do I care let's see because over the last few weeks my best friend tried to kill himself his boss nearly got ritually sacrificed a girl that I've known since I was three was ritually sacrificed Boyd was killed by alphas" Stiles said.

"Do you want me to keep going" Stiles asked. "Cause, I can alright for like an hour" Stiles said.

"You think Derek can do anything about that" Cora asked. "Well since he's the one everyone seems to be after it's more like he should do something about it yeah" Stiles said.

"I don't know there's something different about him now, he wasn't like this when we knew him" Cora said and Hazel looked down knowing what it was.

"What was he like" Stiles asked and they saw Peter come down.

"A lot like Scott actually a lot like most teenagers unbearably romantic profoundly narcissistic tolerable really only to other teenagers" Peter said.

"Oh, look it's our favorite psycho uncle" Hazel said. "I'm never gonna live that down am I" Peter asked. "What do you think" Hazel asked back.

Peter approached Stiles, Hazel, and Cora. "So, what happened what changed him" Stiles asked. 

"Well, the same thing that changes a lot of young men a girl" Peter said. "You're telling me some girl broke his little heart that's why Derek is the way he is" Stiles asked.

"Watch it I can still tear you piece by piece" Hazel said. "Do you remember Derek before he was an alpha had blue eyes do you know why some wolves have blue eyes" Peter asked.

"I just always thought it was a genetic thing" Stiles said. "If you want to know what changed Derek you need to know what changed the color of his eyes" Peter said.

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