7) Restraint

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Scott and Stiles were at the Sheriff's station on the phone with Allison after Jackson had talked to the police about what they did to him.

"If Jackson doesn't know what he's doing then he probably doesn't know that someone's controlling him" Allison said. "Or he doesn't remember" Scott said.

"What if it's like the same kind of thing that happened with Lydia when she took off from the hospital" Stiles asked.

"A fugue state" Allison asked. "He'd  have to forgot everything the murder" Scott said. "Getting rid of the blood" Allison said. "Yeah, he had help with one thing though the video and someone else helped him forget that" Stiles said. 

"Whoever's controlling him" Scott said. "Hey, Hazel, isn't with you by chance is she" Scott asked.

"She's not answering my messages" Scott said. "No, she doesn't like me very much she's probably with Issac" Allison said. "Right what else is new" Scott said jealous as Allison and Stiles noticed.

"Why are you jealous over Issac and Hazel" Allison asked. "You think I'm jealous of Isaac and Hazel" Scott asked.

"Sure, sounds like it" Allison said. "Well, I'm not I promise" Scott said. "Are you sure Jackson has no clue about this" Allison asked going back to the previous subject.

"He thinks he's still becoming a werewolf and that being with Lydia somehow delayed the whole thing" Scott said.

"So do we try to convince him he's not" Allison asked. "If it helps us find out who's controlling him then yeah" Scott said. "Do you think he'll talk to us after what we did" Allison asked. "Yeah, it's us he'll talk to us right" Stiles asked.


Scott and Stiles was with Noah in his office as he read off the restraining order that was put on them.

"You will not go within 50 feet of Jackson Whittemore you will not speak to him you will not approach him you will not assault or harass him physically or psychologically" Noah said. "What about school" Stiles asked.

"You can attend classes while attempting to maintain a 50-foot distance" Noah said.

"Okay what if we both have to use the bathroom at the same time and there's only two stalls available and they're only right next to each other" Stiles asked and Noah gave him a look. "I'll just hold it" Stiles said.


"Move" Melissa told Scott walking past Noah and Stiles. Melissa had stopped Scott walking any further turning him to her.

"It's not just this although a restraining order is a new low that I didn't think that you would reach quite this soon it's everything on top of it the complexity bizarre behavior the late nights coming home having to beg Mr. Harris for you to make up that chemistry test you missed" Melissa said.

"I missed a chemistry test" Scott asked. "Really Scott really I have to ground you I am grounding you, you are grounded" Melissa said and Stiles came over.

"What about work" Scott asked. "Fine other than work and no TV" Melissa said.

"My TV's broken" Scott said. "Then no computer" Melissa said. "I need the computer for school" Scott said. "Then no uh" Melissa said and looked at Stiles before looking back at Scott.

"No Stiles" Melissa said. "What no Stiles" Stiles asked walking up.

"No Stiles" Melissa yelled and Stiles walked back to where he was. "And no more car privileges give me your keys" Melissa said holding her hand out. 

"Give them to me" Melissa said yelling after she saw he wasn't. Scott had got out his keys and gave them to Melissa who was struggling getting the car key off the key ring.

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