20) the message

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Later on, Allison, Noah, Derek, Argent, and Hazel met up at Argent's place after Noah asked them for their help.

"This is everything non-lethal I could find" Allison said. "Take all of it" Argent said.

"What's the plan here" Noah asked. "Our best shot right now is for Derek or Hazel to try to pick up Stiles's scent at Eichen house especially if he went through something stressful there" Argent said.

"Should all four of us be going to the same place" Noah asked. "Where else has Stiles been showing up" Argent asked. "School" Hazel said.

"The hospital" Allison added. "Okay hold on we did this already he disappeared we hold looking for him then walked right into a trap at the hospital" Derek said.

"He's getting us to repeat the same moves" Hazel said. "So, what do we do wait for him to come to us" Allison asked. "We can't" Derek said.

"Not if the Oni find him when the sun goes down" Hazel added. "Scott's working on them right now with Kira" Noah said.

"That's the problem we're all trying to outfox the fox" Argent said. "Listen I'll understand if anyone wants to back out" Noah said. "I'm not going to be the first wolf to run from a fox" Derek said grabbing a weapon while Hazel did the same.

"I'm not going to lose my brother over some fox" Hazel said. "Apparently I'm carrying a lightsaber" Argent said.

"Dad you, Hazel, and Derek hit Eichen house Sheriff it's you and me at the hospital we'll all meet at the school" Allison said.

Derek grabbed a bag going to leave with Hazel, but they noticed Argent grabbed a gun.

"Making sure you have a few lethal options just in case" Derek asked. "I like to prepare for the worst" Argent said.


Derek, Hazel, Noah, and Allison all met in Stiles's room later on after they discovered Stiles or the nogitsune had been here and they looked at the chess board.

"What is all of this" Argent asked. "What are these sticky notes for" Argent asked again.

"This is what Stiles used to explain to me about all of you" Noah said. "Well maybe it's a message from Stiles the real Stiles" Allison said.

"You think there's any reason my name's, on the king" Derek asked. "Well, you're heavily guarded though I guess the alarming details is that you're one move from being in checkmate" Noah said.

"It's not a message from Stiles" Hazel said. "It's a threat from the nogitsune" Argent said.

"He's at the loft that's what he's trying to tell us" Allison said. "And he wants us to come there" Argent said. "Night's falling" Derek said.

"This couldn't sound any more like a trap" Argent said. "I don't think it is" Noah said.

"I think your opinion might be slightly biased Sheriff" Argent said. "Hear me out" Noah said.

"What we're dealing with here is basically someone who lacks motive no rhyme no reason right" Noah asked.

"Meaning what" Argent asked. "Our enemy is not a killer it's a trickster the killing is just a by-product" Noah said. "If you're trying to say it won't kill us, I'm not feeling too confident about that" Derek said.

"I'm with my brother on this" Hazel said. "It won't it wants irony it wants to play a trick it wants a joke all we need to do is come up with a new punch line" Noah said.

"The sun is setting Sheriff" Argent said. "What do you have in mind" Argent asked.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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