10) morning after

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Hazel woke up the next day and saw Theo nowhere in sight. She got up and quickly put her clothes back on and left heading back to her house.

She closed the door and leaned against it. Hazel heard footsteps but didn't dare look up.

"Hazel" she heard a familiar voice say and she finally looked up. "Malia" Hazel said.

"What are you doing here" Hazel asked. "I was looking for you" Malia said. "What happened are you okay" Malia asked.

"I'm fine" Hazel said. "Hey, I'm your cousin you don't have to be strong for me" Malia said. "Scott and I broke up" Hazel said. Malia bent down to her cousin and pulled her in for a hug.

"If it helps Stiles and I broke up too" Malia said. "He's an idiot" Hazel said. "So is Scott" Malia said.


Hazel was laying down on her bed with Malia beside her. "You know for someone who's not good with stuff like this you're doing quite well" Hazel said.

"Well maybe it's because of you maybe you're just special" Malia said. "Thanks, I think" Hazel said and Malia smiled.

"Hey if you want, I can torture Scott, I can take him alpha or not" Malia said and Hazel laughed.

"No, it's fine" Hazel said. "You sure" Malia asked. "Yeah, positive besides I slept with Theo, and it helped my mind take off things some" Hazel said.

"Wait what" Malia said and Hazel smiled. "Well, how was it" Malia asked.

"Actually, pretty amazing" Hazel said. "Huh well he is pretty hot and let's not forget your type" Malia said and Hazel laughed. "Thanks Malia I really needed this" Hazel said.

"Of course, I may not always be good at these kinds of things, but I can try" Malia said and Hazel smiled.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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