19) the Shugendo scroll

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Scott and Hazel rode over to Eichen House after they heard Stiles was getting checked in. They saw Stiles and Noah at the gate and went over to them.

"Why didn't you tell me" Scott asked. "Because we wanted to avoid something like this" Noah said.

"It's only 72 hours" Stiles said. "This is the same place where Barrow came from the guy who had a tumor inside him filled with flies" Scott said. 

"You don't know everything yet" Scott told Noah. "I know enough Nogitsune's Kitsune's Oni or whatever they're called" Noah said. "Wow that was actually all surprisingly correct" Stiles said.

"Scott, Hazel I saw an MRI that looked exactly like my wife's, and it terrifies me I'm headed down to LA tomorrow to talk to a specialist" Noah said.

"Then why are you putting him in here" Scott asked. "He's not it was my decision" Stiles said.

"What are you crazy" Hazel asked. "Stiles, we can't help you if you're in here" Scott said.

"And I can't hurt you or Hazel" Stiles said. "Deaton's got some ideas Argent's calling people we're gonna find something and if we can't" Scott said.

"If you can't, if you can't then you have to do something for me okay" Stiles said. "What can we do" Hazel asked.

"Make sure I never get out" Stiles said. "Come on" Noah told Stiles and they went in the building.


Hazel was with Scott, Deaton, and Allison at the animal clinic.

Deaton was talking on the phone with Argent, and he had him on speaker. "Did you have any problem with Ikeda" Argent asked.

"Only minor the white wolf was exactly where you said it would be, but we have two problems now first the lichen is not a cure it'll wear off in a matter of days" Deaton said.

"But while it does work the Oni won't go after Stiles right" Argent asked.

"I hope, Eichen house has an unusual history it might not be all that safe for the Oni there as well" Deaton said.

"What's the second problem" Argent asked. "I checked with your contacts in Japan the Yakuza boss you saw killed by the Oni never found the scroll" Deaton said.

"What scroll" Scott asked. "A shugendo scroll the shugendo were the ascetic mystics of Japan" Deaton said.

"The scroll had information on how to exorcise a Nogitsune" Argent said. "So, we need to find that scroll" Hazel asked. "Exactly and I did get a name of the man who last purchased it Kincaid" Deaton said.

"He was with Katashi he's the guy who met with Issac to buy the gun" Allison said.

"You mean my ex-boyfriend and my first love you nearly got killed" Hazel said to Allison. "Okay what's your problem" Allison asked. "I never done anything to you" Allison said.

"You nearly killed me along with my brother Kate junior" Hazel said. "Yeah, well you took Scott from me" Allison said.

"I did no such thing besides you broke up with him it's not my fault you let go of something amazing" Hazel said. "Alright moving on" Scott said breaking up the fight between his girlfriend and ex-girlfriend.

"Sounds like Katashi wanted the scroll for himself" Deaton said.

"But Stilinski already told me nothing like it was found among his things and a paranoid like Katashi would keep it close probably on him at all times" Argent said.

"What does a Shugendo scroll look like" Allison asked. Deaton got up and got a scroll showing them.

"Something like this" Deaton said. "Do these come in different sizes" Allison asked.

"Any size" Deaton said. "Then I think I know where it might be" Allison said. "I'll ask Kira for help" Hazel said and left.


Allison, Scott, Kira, and Hazel were hiding with a plan to get Katashi's finger. Allison looked before facing Kira.

"You're up" Allison said and Kira rushed to the van and hid quickly when she heard someone.  "We have to do something" Scott said after a few moments.

"Do I have to remind you you're the alpha" Hazel asked. Kincaid came and knocked Parrish out making his appearance known. "Who is that" Scott asked. "Kincaid" Allison said.


Kincaid grabbed the finger observing it. "We need that finger" Scott said making his appearance known and Kincaid turned around seeing Scott, Hazel, and Allison.

"Why should I give it to you" Kincaid asked. "There's a briefcase in there with 150, 000 in it" Allison said. "And you think that's gonna help wow you really are pathetic" Hazel said.

"The scroll inside this prosthetic finger is worth three million" Kincaid said.

"Give me the finger" Scott said and closed his eyes before opening them again. "You know what I mean" Scott said.

Kira jumped down from the van trying to attack Kincaid, but he threw her in the ground and Hazel went to Kira making sure she was okay.

"I guess negotiations are over" Kincaid said and growled.


Kira went to attack but Kincaid threw her and knocked Allison down. "As much as i enjoyed that we really do need that scroll" Hazel said. Hazel went to attack but Kincaid threw her next to Kira.

"How is this guy stronger I'm a freaking Hale" Hazel said. Scott went to attack but was failing.  Kincaid managed to knock Scott down. "Well, that's embarrassing" Hazel said.

"You have the eyes of an alpha" Kincaid said. "But where's the strength" Kincaid said and when Hazel was about to help, she heard the twins.

"Up here" Aiden said. Aiden and Ethan both jumped down fighting Kincaid.

Hazel managed to drag Kira away from the fight helping her up before joining the twins.


Ethan, Aiden, and Hazel managed to knock Kincaid down and Hazel stopped seeing the twins was about to kill him when Scott stopped them.

"Stop, Ethan, Aiden" Scott said. "Stop" Lydia said. "You want him to come after us" Aiden asked.

"Scott we've seen guys like this trust us he's dangerous" Aiden said.

"So are we and he looks smart enough to remember that" Scott said and took the scroll out of Katashi's finger. "We're here to save a life, not end one" Scott said.


Scott and Hazel met back up with Deaton hoping there was something in the scroll to help Stiles.

"There isn't much here unfortunately" Deaton said. "Does it say anything" Scott asked.

"My Japanese isn't great, but it appears to say that one method of expelling a Nogitsune is to change the body of the host" Deaton said.

"Change the body" Scott asked. "Which begs the question how do we change Stiles's body" Deaton asked. "By turning him into a werewolf" Scott said.

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Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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