5) Radio Silence

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"Excuse me" Stiles said to the woman beside him causing her to look. "Sorry where are we" Stiles asked. "We're at the train station" she said.

"Right, okay, helpful" Stiles said. "Which train station exactly" Stiles asked. "Train station number 137" she said causing Stiles to look. "Did you see me come in" Stiles asked. "No" she said.

"How long have you been here" Stiles asked. "Maybe an hour" she said.

"We got here at the same time it's been at least six hours" the older man beside the woman said.

"Six hours" Stiles asked, and the man nodded. "Where are you going" Stiles asked and neither the man or woman had an answer, and the woman searched her pockets.

"Uh, uh I had a ticket with me somewhere uh" the woman said. "You always travel in your work clothes" Stiles asked causing the woman to look.

"I must've been in a rush" the woman said. Stiles got up and looked at the ticket booth only to see no one there. He saw dust surrounding it as he looked.

"Do you know if anyone works here" Stiles asked. "The following stops have been canceled Hollatine, Batten, Bay Burry, Deer Ridge, Red Oak" the announcer said listing off places.

"Excuse me where are those trains going" Stiles asked and got no answer.

"Trenton, Anderson, King Springs" the announcer said listing off the last of the places.

"Excuse me do you know what train this is" Stiles asked a woman and got no answer.

"Does anyone know where this train is going" Stiles asked. "Excuse me do you know what train this is" Stiles asked a woman and got no answer.

"Does anyone know where this train's going" Stiles asked. They all surrounded the tunnel and once everyone heard the horses, they all ran and screamed.

Stiles didn't move an inch but saw a man got whipped. Stiles saw the ghost rider drop people off their horse onto the ground and he saw the ropes they had on disappeared.

Stiles started backing up and when he thought he was about to get hit with a whip someone moved him out of the way.

Once Stiles looked that person revealed to be Peter Hale. "It had to be you" Peter said.

Once the ghost riders left everyone sat back down except for Stiles and Peter.

Peter, Peter what are you doing here how are you here" Stiles asked. "What do you mean how am I here" Peter asked.

"I'm here you are here we are all here now get the heck away from me Stiles" Peter said and sat down.

"Hey Peter, Peter, Peter what are you doing" Stiles asked once he got his attention. "I'm waiting for my train" Peter said. "Okay did you not just see that" Stiles asked.

"See what" Peter asked. "The horses the hogtied businessmen with the magically dissolving ropes" Stiles asked.

"I'm sorry did anyone just see that" Stiles yelled getting no answer. "Do you mind" Peter asked.

"You're blocking the board" Peter said and Stiles looked. "I'd like a little warning before my train arrives" Peter said. "Okay so you're waiting for a train how did you get here" Stiles asked.

"Pretty sure I took a cab" Peter said. "Last time I saw you, you were being locked away in Eichen House" Stiles said causing Peter to remember what happened.

"I was in Eichen thanks to you" Peter said. "Memory's good can you remember how you uh got out they discharge you" Stiles asked.

"No, the power went out and I ran like crazy" Peter said. "That's it you just ran" Stiles asked.

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