5) confusing feelings

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Erica brought Jackson holding him so he wouldn't get away while Hazel had already made her way to school. Issac got up and went to help Erica with Jackson.

"What happened to you on the night of the full moon" Derek asked. "What nothing, nothing happened" Jackson said.

"You're lying" Derek said. "No wait, no wait I can, I can prove it I taped myself" Jackson said and Issac laughed before looking at Jackson. "You taped yourself" Issac asked Jackson.

"Yes, it was the full moon and maybe while you were curled in the corner having an existential crisis about turning into a monster, I was preparing for the so-called gift your big bad alpha promised me and what did I get nothing you want proof let me get the video" Jackson said.

"No, no I have a better idea" Derek said and Erica and Jackson pushed Jackson on his knees and Derek came closer. "What is that" Jackson asked.

"You know Jackson you've always been kind of a snake, and everyone knows a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom" Derek said and put the toxin in his mouth as Erica and Issac held it open.

They had saw he was affected by it as he had fell to the ground paralyzed from the waist down. "You're still a snake Jackson just not the one we're looking for" Derek said leaving with Erica following him and Issac knelt down in front of Jackson.

"You're still gonna have to do one more thing for us well actually for me" Issac said.


Hazel was at her locker getting ready to head off to her next class when Issac had gone to her. "Hey beautiful" Issac said.

"Issac your back" Hazel said. "But how" Hazel asked. "Not important what is important is that I'm here with you" Issac said and Hazel smiled before giving him a quick kiss.

"Well can I walk you to class" Issac asked. "We have the same class" Hazel said. "You know what I mean" Issac said and Hazel gave him a small smile before they head off to class.


After Derek had told Hazel his plan of testing Lydia and killing her if she's the Kanima that is killing everyone she was not pleased.

Not having a choice, she had gone to Scott and Stiles for help after discovering Issac and Erica were in on it. "Hey Scott, Stiles" Hazel said, and they turned to her, and she couldn't help but notice Scott's beautiful eyes.

"I need your help" Hazel said. "You want our help you can't stand us" Scott said.

"Look if you help me maybe we can start over as friends" Hazel said and for some reason when she said friends it, broke Scott's heart but he quickly shook that feeling away.

"What do you need help with" Stiles asked. "My brother the idiot he's having Issac and Erica test Lydia" Hazel said. "To see if she's the Kanima" Scott said.

"Yes, and since I don't have class with her, and Stiles has a weird crush on her" Hazel said.

"You know" Stiles asked. "Yeah of course I know" Hazel said. "Can you help me or not" Hazel asked. "We'll help you" Stiles said.

"Thanks" Hazel said walking away but not before looking at Scott which he didn't notice but Stiles did. Ever since Issac questioned Hazel if she had feelings for Scott, she always tells him no but now she wasn't so sure.

The day they first met she felt something for him but wasn't sure what it was.

The way she was able to turn him back when he nearly killed Scott and how they just stared at each other without knowing why but knew it felt right.

Hazel knew one thing for sure she needed to figure this out before someone gets hurt.


Scott had asked Hazel to meet them in the janitors closet after the venom had not affected Lydia.

"She's here" Hazel asked after she saw Allison once she closed the door behind her not happy about it.

"She can help" Scott said. "Why would I trust an Argent" Hazel asked. "After all my mother is dead because of her aunt along with the rest of my family" Hazel said. "I'm nothing like Kate" Allison said.

"You sure about that" Hazel asked. "Can you two get along for one second" Stiles asked. "Fine" Hazel said. "Derek's outside waiting for Lydia" Scott said and Hazel couldn't help but admire how he looked.

"Waiting to kill her" Allison asked. "If he thinks she's the Kanima yeah" Hazel said. "Especially after what happened at the pool" Scott added.

"It's not her" Stiles said. "Stiles she didn't pass the test man nothing happened" Scott said. "No, it can't be her" Stiles said.

"Maybe she's immune somehow" Hazel said. "It doesn't matter because Derek thinks it's her so either we can convince him that he's wrong" Allison said.

"Good luck" Hazel said. "Or we've got to figure out a way to protect her" Allison said. "Well, I really don't think he's gonna do anything here not at school" Scott said.

"What about after school what if we can prove that Derek's wrong" Allison asked. "By three o'clock" Stiles asked. "There could be something in the bestiary" Allison said.

"Oh, you mean the 900-page book written in archaic Latin that none of us can read good luck with that" Stiles said.

"Actually, I think I know someone who might be able to translate it" Allison said. "Uh I can talk to Derek maybe convince him to give us a chance to prove that it's not her" Scott said.

"Yeah, good luck with that" Hazel said. "Well, I wish I could help but I can't so bye" Hazel said and quickly left as Scott watched her and Stiles and Allison noticed.


Hazel was at the train station thinking about what Issac said when Derek came up. "Hazel you okay" Derek asked as he sat next to her. "Yeah fine" Hazel said. "Hazel" Derek said.

"I don't know it's just Issac had accused me of liking Scott, and I told him no but now I'm wondering if that's true" Hazel said.

"Talk to me" Derek said. "When I first met Scott it's almost like we had a connection you know like we were meant to find each other" Hazel said. "What else" Derek asked.

"The way he's so protective over the people he loves and the way I could turn him back before he could kill Stiles how his eyes" Hazel said. "Sparkle in the moonlight" Derek asked.

"Yeah" Hazel said. "How did you" Hazel asked. "Hazel the moment I sent you to school to look after him and saw how you looked at him, I knew there was no way you could walk away from him" Derek said.

"You like him you just won't admit it to yourself cause you're afraid of getting hurt" Derek said.

"I can't like him Der I'm with Issac and he's dating an Argent one whose aunt killed mom" Hazel said.

"But you do maybe you don't see it or maybe you do but deep down you know you can't hide from this forever" Derek said.

"Maybe I'm wrong maybe I just like him as a friend and I'm just having an off day" Hazel said. "I don't think so baby sis you love him you just don't see it" Derek said.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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