1) new boyfriend

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Act II

Lizards and relationships

(Episode 1-12)


Hazel had gone with Isaac to school after Derek had given him the bite. "You know you didn't have to come with me" Issac said.

"I know but I wanted to" Hazel said. "You know you don't seem as bad as everyone makes you out to be why aren't you like this with everyone" Issac asked.

"It only takes a really special someone to see this side of me" Hazel said and Issac smiled. "So am I special" Issac asked. "I don't know maybe" Hazel said and Issac smiled at her.

"Hey um this may be sudden and maybe not, but I've always sort of had a crush on you and it's okay if you say no, we did just meet well officially if you don't count me seeing you in the halls and not having the guts to say hi, but I was um wondering" Isaac said nervously.

"Are you asking me out" Hazel asked. "Yeah, is that okay wait should I have asked your brother first if that's okay" Issac asked.

"Probably but lucky for you he has a soft spot for me" Hazel said. "Wait is that a yes you'll be my girlfriend" Issac asked.

"Yeah, I will, live life to the fullest right plus you're really cute" Hazel said, and Issac smiled.


Scott had saw Isaac and Hazel smiling and talking and for some reason he had got jealous. He didn't know why either considering he was in love with Allison.

Stiles had happened to notice Scott looking at Hazel and Isaac. "Scott, Scott" Stiles said and Scott looked at him.

"You okay" Stiles asked. "Yeah, yeah fine" Scott said. "You sure cause for a minute there you looked jealous" Stiles said. "I'm not jealous" Scott said.

"Okay anyways back to what you were saying" Stiles said. "Right, nothing else mattered but that's good though right cause the night that Lydia was bit she was with you" Scott said. "Yeah, but she was looking for Jackson" Stiles said.


After school Hazel had gone home to Derek to tell him about Isaac. "He asked you out" Derek yelled. "Yes, calm down" Hazel said.

"I'm gonna kill him" Derek said. "No, you're not you are going to stay calm and relax" Hazel said and Derek sighed before looking at her.

"You like him" Derek asked Hazel. "Yeah, I do" Hazel said. "I always pictured you with Scott" Derek said. "What gross" Hazel said. "Deny it all you want but you like him" Derek said. "No, I don't" Hazel said.

"Yes, you do you may like Isaac but you like Scott way more I'm your brother I know" Derek said.

"Whatever" Hazel said. "Can you lay off of Issac or not" Hazel asked. "I'll try" Derek said. "That's all I'm asking" Hazel said before leaving.


Later that night Derek and Hazel had found Scott and stopped him from helping the omega and hid behind a tree so they wouldn't be seen by the Argents.

"Wait stop what are you doing" Scott asked. I can help him" Scott said. "No, you can't" Hazel said. "They're already here" Derek said.

"I can help him" Scott said. "Quiet" Derek said. "Who are you what are you doing here" Argent asked. "Nothing, nothing I swear" the omega said.

"You're not from here are you, are you" Argent asked. "No, no I came, I came looking for the alpha I heard he was here that's all look I didn't do anything I didn't hurt anyone no one living he wasn't alive in the ambulance he wasn't I swear" the omega said.

"Gentlemen take a look at a rare sight you wanna tell them what we've caught" Gerard said. "An omega" Argent said.

"The lone wolf possibly kicked out of his own pack or the survivor of a pack that was hunted down maybe even murdered and possibly alone by his own choice certainly not a wise choice" Gerard said. "Baby sis look away" Derek said.

"What" Hazel said. "Look away" Derek said and she did, and Gerard had cut the omega in half. "Look, look at them" Derek told Scott.

"You see what they do this is why you need me and Hazel why we need each other the only way to fight them is together" Derek said. "What are they doing" Scott asked.

"Declaring war" Derek said. "We have a code" Argent said.

"Not when they murder my daughter no code not anymore from now on these things are just bodies waiting to be cut in half are you listening because I don't care if they're wounded and weak or seemingly harmless begging for their life with the promise that they will never ever hurt anyone or some desperate lost soul with no idea what they're getting into we find them we kill them we kill then all" Gerard said.

"Well, this is going to be fun" Hazel said once she turned around facing Derek.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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