4) Condition Terminal

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Stiles, Hazel, Scott, Theo walked into the sheriff's station and Scott went to Noah and helped him up while Stiles and Hazel happened to notice Lydia was hurt.

"No" Hazel said making her way to Lydia and took her arm taking her pain.

Theo noticed Lydia was hurt and took his belt off and went to her putting the belt on Lydia. Natalie walked over and saw Lydia and went to her bending down to her. 

"Stiles, Hazel" Scott said and Hazel looked at Lydia not wanting to move.

"Go please make sure she's okay" Lydia said as Hazel had tears in her eyes which Natalie noticed. "Stiles, Hazel., guys come on" Scott said.

Natalie put her hand on Hazel's and Hazel looked at her. "It's okay I got her" Natalie said and Hazel nodded.

"It's okay she's alright" Theo said. "Tracy, Stiles, Hazel, I'm fine help Tracy find Tracy go" Lydia said. Hazel let go of Lydia's arm and stood up making her way to Scott with Stiles.

They all went down to the cell where Malia and Tracy were. They saw Tracy was dead and looked at Malia.

"It wasn't me" Malia said. "What happened to her" Noah asked as Scott, and Deaton went to Tracy. "That's what I'd like to know" Hazel said.

"There were these people they had masks um there were there of them I think three of them" Malia said.  "What, what are you talking about" Stiles asked Malia.

"They were strong Stiles they had a weapon Stiles I didn't do this" Malia told Stiles.

"Okay" Stiles said. "She's not changing back we're going to need to get her out of here" Deaton said.

"What, hey absolutely not this is a crime we call a coroner" Noah said. "Would you rather the world, know about supernatural" Hazel asked.

"I think the coroner might be very confused by this girl's severed reptilian tail" Deaton said.

"I don't care" Noah said. "You should unless you're prepared to hold a press conference announcing the presence of supernatural creatures in Beacon Hills" Deaton said.

"Dad he's right" Stiles said.  "Maybe at the clinic we can figure out how to change her back then call the coroner" Scott said. "There's a line there is a line that we have to draw" Noah said.

"Sheriff, we have to take her" Hazel said. "Dad, you've already crossed it more than once" Stiles said.

"Sheriff please let me help I've dealt with things like this before" Deaton said. "Just do it fast" Noah said. Scott and Deaton grabbed Tracy and left with Hazel, Stiles and Malia following them.


"Tracy was buried" Scott asked as they rushed in the hospital. "In a hole" Liam said. "The same hole you fell in" Hazel asked and Liam glared at her.

"Oh, relax puppy I was just kidding" Hazel said. "Will you stop calling me puppy" Liam asked Hazel.

"Let me think" Hazel said and pretended to think. "No, I don't think so" Hazel said. "Buried alive, crawled out then we found another hole" Liam said.

"Who was buried in that one" Scott asked. "I don't know but I think we're gonna want to find out" Liam said and they made it to Melissa, Kira, Stiles, Theo, and Malia. "Stiles" Melissa said.

"How bad is it" Stiles asked. "Could have been worse" Melissa said.

"Theo nice going on that tourniquet you probably saved her life" Melissa told him. "Alright she's about to go into surgery so it's going to be a while" Melissa said.

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