20) Apotheosis

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"Can you keep him alive" Scott asked referring to the dread doctor. "I'm not sure he technically is alive" Deaton said. "Do we really need him alive" Hazel asked.

"Screw keeping him alive" Liam said. "How do we get him to talk" Liam asked.

"Personally, I don't think we utilize torture nearly enough" Stiles said. "Come" a voice said.

"Okay we all heard that right wasn't just me" Hazel asked. "Yeah, I heard it" Liam said. "Come to me, to me" the voice said again. 

Suddenly the dread doctor sat up causing everyone to cover their ears. "Hazel" Scott said worried and slowly made his way to her. "Puppy no" Hazel said.

"Liam wait" Scott said seeing Liam going after him and the dread doctor knocked Liam down to the ground.

When suddenly the door was blocked and Hazel, Liam, and Scott went to leave when Deaton stopped them. "Stop, it's electrified" Deaton said.

"Marcel" Liam, Scott, and Hazel heard Sebastian say to the dread doctor with their super hearing.

"If this is what immortality looks like I think you might have been misled" Sebastian said. "For you all for you" Marcel said. "What did you do with it, Marcel, where is the pike" Sebastian asked.

"The Argents, the Argents" Marcel said and Hazel looked at Scott having the same thought. "The cane" Scott said. "But they took it, they took the cane" Liam said.


"Maybe there's something in here something about how he was a genetic chimera" Scott said.

"Mason had a vanishing twin" Deaton said. "Now we've got a vanishing Mason" Stiles said. "What does that have to do with him turning into a 250-year-old French guy" Liam asked.

"I'm with puppy here how does that even happen" Hazel asked.

"Hold on Scott might have something Mason's twin wasn't entirely gone that's what made him a genetic chimera" Deaton said.

"The DNA was still there" Scott said. "Metaphorically speaking the DNA of Mason could still be inside Sebastian as well" Deaton said.

"How" Stiles asked. "Life is energy, energy doesn't just disappear the dread doctors may have found a way to break the rules of the supernatural world but there are some rules that simply won't break" Deaton said.

"So, Mason can't be just gone" Liam said. "We can still save him" Hazel said.

"Somewhere in Sebastian he has to still exist in some form a spark of energy a flicker of memory" Deaton said.

"Hang on Liam you said Mason said something right before he turned" Stiles said.

"He said that's not my name" Liam said. "He finally remembered his name" Scott said. 

"Damnatio Memoriae" Hazel said. "That's what they wanted they wanted Sebastian to remember his name" Liam said.

"Scott, you know the myth of what happens when you call a werewolf by its given name" Deaton asked. "It turns back to human" Scott said.

"What does that mean, someone can just walk up to the beat yell Mason's name and turn him back" Liam asked. "Not just anyone" Hazel said. "Lydia" Stiles said.  


Stiles and Hazel were with Lydia in the hospital and Stiles held Lydia's hand.

Lydia opened her eyes and Hazel smiled. "Hey, you alright" Stiles asked her. 

"Did you find something a solution" Lydia asked.  "Yeah, it was you, it was you Lydia" Stiles said.


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