4) first date

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Isaac, Erica, Boyd, Hazel, and Derek were all at an abandoned train station. Where Derek, Hazel, and Issac were staying now as they were hiding from the Argents.

Isaac started running at Derek going to attack when Derek knocked him down.

Hazel was sitting with Boyd just watching him fail every time. Erica went to attack only to get thrown herself.

"Does anyone wanna try not being completely predictable" Derek asked and Erica jumped on him kissing him while Hazel rolled her eyes as Derek allowed it for a minute till, he threw her off.

"That's the last time you do that" Derek said. "Why because I'm a beta" Erica asked.

"Or because you're half his age" Hazel said. "I have someone else in mind for you" Derek told Erica.

"Are we done I got about a hundred bones that need a few hours to heel" Isaac said. "Come here" Derek said before he broke his arm. "Derek" Hazel said.

"A hundred and one you think I'm teaching you how to fight huh look at me I'm teaching you how to survive" Derek said.

"If they wanted us dead, why aren't they coming for us now, what are they waiting for" Issac asked.

"I don't know but they're planning something, and you and Hazel especially know that's not our only problem whatever that thing is that killed Issacs's father I think it killed someone else last night until I find out what it is you all need to learn everything that I know as fast as I can teach you" Derek said.


"Hazel" Hazel heard Isaac say as she was walking away, and she looked at him. "Yeah" Hazel said.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date tonight" Issac asked. "A date our first date" Hazel asked. "Yeah" Isaac said.

"How do you expect us to go on a date when you're a wanted fugitive" Hazel asked.

"I'll think of something okay please" Issac said. "Fine" Hazel said. "Great I'll go set everything up be back later" Issac said kissed her cheek and left.


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Later on, Issac had taken Hazel to their date which was a dinner in a dark alley. "Well, this is romantic" Hazel said sarcastically.

"I know it's not great but once I'm not a fugitive it will be better, I'll take you on romantic dinners or even a movie whatever you want" Issac said.

"Well, it's not too bad I guess it could be worse" Hazel said. "Hey" Isaac said.

"Kidding I love it you did amazing considering we have to be hiding or you could go to jail" Hazel said and Issac smiled.

Hazel had given him a quick kiss before looking at the food. "Shall we eat" Hazel asked and Issac nodded.


Isaac and Hazel were enjoying their date eating talking and just enjoying being together. "You know for our first date I think this is pretty amazing" Hazel said. "Really" Issac asked.

"Yeah really" Hazel said, and Isaac smiled. "Never in a million years would I have thought that a girl like you would be going out with a guy like me" Issac said and Hazel blushed.

"Well, I guess that means you're lucky" Hazel said. "Yeah, I guess I am" Issac said and Hazel blushed more.

They had continued talking laughing eating till they eventually went home for the night as they enjoyed being together having an amazing first date.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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