3) ice pick

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Hazel, Stiles, Lydia, Allison, and Scott were all in gym class when suddenly Allison knocked Scott down. "McCall, I don't know why but your pain gives me a special kind of joy" Coach said.

"Not gonna lie that was entertaining to watch" Hazel said. "Alright next two Stilinski, Erica, let's go the wall" Coach said and they started to climb the wall with Erica having trouble.

Stiles eventually had made his way down, but Erica was frozen in place.

"Oh please" Erica said. "Erica, Erica are you okay" Hazel asked. "Erica dizzy is it vertigo" Coach asked.

"Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear she's just freaking out" Lydia said. "Hey, leave her alone she's doing the best she can" Hazel said.

"Erica" Coach said. "I'm fine" Erica said. "Coach maybe it's not safe you know she's epileptic" Allison said. 

"Why doesn't anybody tell me this stuff" Coach asked. "Erica you're fine just, just kick off from the wall there's a mat to catch you come on" Coach said and Erica did with Hazel going to her with Couch.

"See you're fine you're on the ground you're alright, let's go shake it off you're fine" Couch said and everyone started laughing.

"Hey, you wanna end up in the floor by a 16-year-old girl" Hazel asked.

"Keep laughing and it will only take seconds" Hazel said and they stopped laughing. "Come on it's okay I got you" Hazel said and left with Erica.


After Hazel and Scott's hand started shaking, they had rushed to the gym seeing Erica about to fall and Hazel quickly caught her putting her on the ground. Allison had saw and came over.

"Put her on her side, put her on her side" Allison said and Hazel did while Erica held her hand. "How'd you know" Allison asked Scott. "I just felt it" Scott said. "Yeah, me too" Hazel said.


Hazel had gone with Derek to the hospital after he had rolled Erica away to an empty room. Erica had looked seeing them.

"Side effects may include anxiety waking acne ulcerative colitis yeesh" Derek said. Hey Erica, you okay" Hazel asked and she nodded before looking at Derek. "Who are you" Erica asked.

"Let's just say we have a mutual friend" Derek said. "That and he's my brother" Hazel said. "You always have to ruin my fun" Derek asked.

"Not always but it's fun" Hazel said and Derek playfully shoved her. "You get a warning right before you have a seizure" Derek said. "It's called an aura it's, it's like a metallic taste in my mouth" Erica said.

"You don't have to lie Erica" Derek said. "You can tell us" Hazel said. "What's it really, taste like" Derek asked.

"It tastes like blood" Erica said. "What if I told you that all of this could go away the side effects the symptoms all of it and what if all things not only went away but everything else got even better" Derek asked.

"How" Erica asked. "Let me show you" Derek said and glowed his eyes.


Scott had met up with Erica who was now a newly transformed werewolf. "Two's not enough for Derek I know he needs at least three" Scott said. "So, who's next" Scott asked and Erica turned to face him.

"Why does there have to be a next when we've already got you" Erica asked. "Who's next" Scott asked.

"You know I never knew what I looked like during a seizure until someone took a video of me once and put it online" Erica said. "I don't care" Scott said.

"It happened during class I started seizing in my desk and everyone was saying how they should put something in my mouth until some genius reads the card on my key ring which tells him not to cause it could break my teeth" Erica said.

"Erica" Scott said. "Do you know what happens next I pee myself and they start laughing you know the only good thing about seizures was that I never remembered them until some brilliant jerk off had to go and put cameras in everybody's phone look at me now Scott" Erica said and Scott looked at Allison before looking back.

"That's right you only have eyes for her or even Hazel even if you don't see it, but I do and soon she will too" Erica said and left.


Scott had found Boyd at the ice rink after discovering he was the next beta of Derek's pack. "Boyd I just wanna talk hey come on Boyd please" Scott said and Boyd stopped the machine he was on.

"Did Derek tell you everything and I don't mean going out of control on the full moon so mean everything" Scott said. "He told me about the hunters" Boyd said.

"And that's not enough for you to say no whatever you want there's other ways to get it" Scott said. "I just wanna not eat lunch alone every day" Boyd said.

"If you're looking for friends you can do a lot better than Derek" Scott said.

"That really hurts Scott" Derek said making his presence known and Scott looked seeing Derek, Hazel, Isaac, and Erica. 

"I mean if you're going to review me at least take a consensus" Derek said. "Erica how's life been for you since we met" Derek asked. "Hm in a word transformative" Erica said and roared.

"Isaac" Derek asked. "Well, I'm a little bummed about being a fugitive but other than that I'm great plus I wouldn't be going out with Hazel" Issac said.

"Wait you're with Hazel" Scott asked. "Yes, he is which reminds me" Derek said and faced Issac.

"You hurt her I'll kill you" Derek said and Isaac gulped before nodding and facing Scott. "Why do you care if I'm dating Hazel" Issac asked. "Okay moving on" Hazel said. 

Derek nodded for Isaac, Hazel, and Erica to fight Scott and they started walking to him.

"Okay hold on this isn't exactly a fair fight" Scott said. "Then go home Scott" Derek said and Scott slammed on the ice.

"I meant fair for them" Scott said and Hazel, Scott, Erica, and Issac started fighting.  Soon enough they had stopped fighting.

"Don't you get it he's not doing this for you he's just adding to his own power okay it's all about him he makes you feel like he's giving you some kind of gift when all he's done is turn you into a bunch of guard dogs" Scott said and threw Erica and Issac to Derek not noticing Hazel before she pinned Scott to the ground.

"Is that really what you think we are guard dogs" Hazel asked with tears in her eyes. "Hazel I" Scott said. "Save it you don't know me or my brother you just assume you know everything when you don't" Hazel said. "Hazel" Scott said.

"Hazel let him go" Derek said and Hazel did.  "It's true it is about power" Derek said walking to Scott and transformed along with extracting his claws as Hazel went to Isaac.

Derek and Scott started fighting. Derek had scratched Scott's stomach before throwing him to the ground leaving with Hazel, Erica, and Isaac. Boyd had made his way to Scott.

"Don't you don't wanna be like them" Scott said. "You're right I wanna be like you" Boyd said and shown his bite mark before catching up with Hazel, Derek, Issac, and Erica.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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