4) the benefactor

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"Hey, let's get everyone off the roof and see if you can stall the ME for five minutes, I've got an expert of my own coming to take a look" Noah said to Parrish after they found Sean's dead body.

"You have an expert on teenage cannibals" Parrish asked.

"Five minutes Parrish" Noah said once he saw Parrish wasn't moving.

"Hey" Parrish said signaling everyone off the roof before getting off the roof himself. Noah turned to see Derek and Hazel.

"Uh I guess you both been there long enough to hear that we need to be quick about this Scott said he called himself a wendigo" Noah said walking to them.

"Cannibalistic shape shifters but I haven't heard of them in Beacon Hills for a long time" Derek said. "Guess they were well hidden" Hazel said.

Hazel and Derek had smelt blood as they looked. "How many people did Scott say were up here" Derek asked. "Just Sean and the axe murder who apparently has no mouth" Noah said.

"You wouldn't know anything about that would you" Noah asked.

"There was someone else someone young and male" Derek said once Hazel made her way to him. "You can smell his fear" Noah asked. "And his blood" Hazel said.


"Derek you here Derek, Hazel" Peter asked as he was in Derek's loft.

Then when Peter wasn't looking an axe was thrown at him making him fall to his knees eventually falling on his back.

The mute showed his face to Peter. "Derek" Peter said. "Don't worry Peter, Derek's next then Hazel" the mute said.


Malia, Hazel, Lydia, Stiles, Scott, and Kira were all at the busses discussing what to do about Liam. "I'm not sharing my basement" Malia said.

"Actually, it's my basement and my mom noticed how you tore it up last time" Lydia said. "Alright she's still learning" Stiles said.

"But we're going to use the boathouse for Liam it's got support beams we can chain him to one of them" Scott said. "That is if we can convince him to go" Hazel said.

"But how do we get him out to the lake house if he doesn't trust us" Kira asked.

I say if it keeps him from murdering someone, we chloroform him and throw him out in the lake" Stiles said.

"Yeah, because that won't look suspicious" Hazel said sarcastically.

"I'm in" Malia said. "We're not killing or kidnapping him" Scott said. "Then let's be smarter we tell him there's a party and invite him" Lydia said.

"So, you're going to ask out a freshman" Stiles asked. "No, I'm done with teenage boys" Lydia said.

"Liam seems to like Hazel maybe she should invite him" Stiles said. "What no" Scott said.

"Scott relax" Hazel said. "I don't wanna see my girlfriend flirting with a freshman" Scott said. "Then don't watch" Hazel said.


Hazel was walking down the stairs when she saw Liam watching her. Hazel made her way to Liam smiling. "Hey you're Liam right" Hazel asked.

"Yeah" Liam said. "I'm sorry about my friends their idiots" Hazel said. "But can I make it up to you" Hazel asked.

"There's this party going on tonight and I was wondering if you would like to go with me" Hazel said.


Derek had helped Peter up as he leant against the table after he got the tomahawk out of Peter's chest.

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