4) magic bullet

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Derek and Hazel were searching for the alpha when Hazel saw blood. "Derek" Hazel said, and Derek looked at it before spotting the alpha going after him with Hazel not too far behind.

As they were chasing them Derek had saw Kate about to shoot Hazel, he quickly made his way to her pushing her out of the way getting shot himself as he fell down and Hazel quickly helped him to his feet. 

"Come on we gotta get out of here" Hazel said putting Derek's arm around her shoulder.

"You know you're an idiot right" Hazel asked. "Better me then you" Derek said and Hazel shook her head before leaving.


Kate had heard a car pull up and went over seeing Argent get out of the car as she made her way to him. "Get in" Argent said. "Not even hello nice to see you" Kate asked.

"All I've got at the moment is please put the assault rifle away before someone notices" Argent said.

"That's the brother I love Chris there were three of em" Kate said. "The alpha" Argent asked. "I don't know but one of them tried to kill me" Kate said.

"One of them is gonna lead us to the other he can't do that if he's dead" Argent said.

"Well, I can't help kill either of them if one of them kills me first" Kate said. "How long will it take" Argent asked. "I'd give him 48 hours if that" Kate said before they left.


"If Derek isn't the alpha if he's not the one who bit you then who did" Stiles asked. "I don't know and before you ask Hazel isn't the alpha either" Scott said.

"Did the alpha kill the bus driver" Stiles asked. "I don't know" Scott said. "Does Allison's dad know about the alpha" Stiles asked.

"I don't know" Scott said annoyed before looking at his test seeing his grade. "Dude, you need to study more that was a joke Scott it's one test you're gonna make it up" Stiles said.

"Do you want help studying" Stiles asked. "No, I'm studying with Allison after school today" Scott said. "That's my boy" Stiles said. "We're just studying" Scott said.

"Uh no you're not" Stiles said. "No, I'm not" Scott asked. "Not if I'm forced to live vicariously through you if you go to her house today and squander that colossal opportunity, I swear to you I'll have you de balled" Stiles said.

"Okay just stop with the questions man" Scott said. "Done no more questions no more talk about the alpha or Derek and Hazel especially those two who still scare me" Stiles said.


Hazel and Derek found Stiles who was driving but stopped once he saw them. Derek had fell to the ground and Hazel had bent down trying to help him.

Stiles and Scott made their way over to them. "What are you doing here" Scott asked.

"I was shot" Derek said. "He's not looking so good dude" Stiles said. "Geh, you think" Hazel said sarcastically.

"Why aren't you healing" Scott asked. "I can't it was it was a different kind of bullet" Derek said. "A silver bullet" Stiles asked. "No, you idiot" Derek said.

"Wait, wait that's what she meant when she said you had 48 hours" Scott said.

"What who said 48 hours" Derek asked. "The one who shot you" Scott said. "And you're just telling us this now" Hazel said annoyed.

Derek's eyes started to glow as they all noticed. "What are you doing" Scott asked. "Stop that" Scott said. "Don't you think he would if he could genius" Hazel said.

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