9) lies of omission

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Liam was looking for Hayden with Hazel's help after hearing about Corey. "Hey Hazel" Liam said and Hazel looked at him. "Yeah" Hazel said.

"Thanks for helping me" Liam said. "Of course, hey anything for my puppy I'm not going to let her die okay" Hazel said and Liam smiled.

"Hey, there she is" Hazel said seeing Hayden and they went up to her.

"It's Corey isn't it" Hayden asked. "Yeah, they're taking him to the hospital" Liam said.

"That means I'm next they're coming for me" Hayden said. "Not if I have anything to say about it" Hazel said.

"They're coming for all of us which is why we have to get out of here" Liam said grabbing Hayden's hand running with her with Hazel following them.


Scott and Theo made it to the hospital noticing the dread doctors already beat them to it. "They're already here" Scott said.

They looked around as they noticed a few people conscious on the ground.

"This wasn't them" Theo said realizing it wasn't the dread doctors. "It was Corey" Scott said and they left.


Scott and Theo caught back up with each other after not finding Corey. "Security's still looking" Scott said.

"I haven't seen anything either" Theo said and then he heard the elevator going off.

Soon Scott looked noticing as well. "Now they're here" Scott said.


Scott and Theo eventually found Corey, but they were too late.

"We better go" Theo said. "We need to find Hayden" Scott said.


"You know the combination" Liam asked as Hayden was getting money from the club. "Well during a time like this it's a good thing she does" Hazel said.

"12-34-56" Hayden said. The door opened as Hayden looked for the envelope.

"But that's" Liam said. "Yeah, Phil's an idiot" Hayden said. "Sounds like one" Hazel agreed.

Hayden eventually found the envelope grabbing the money before locking it back. "My sister's going to go out of her mind looking for me" Hayden said.

"We'll come up with something to tell her" Liam said. "Right now, all that matters is that you're safe" Hazel said.

"How far are we gonna go" Hayden asked Liam. "Wherever's far enough I guess" Liam said.

"What if I turn out like Tracy what if I hurt you" Hayden asked. "I'll get over it" Liam said and Hayden kissed him.

Then all of a sudden, the club came on making all of them look. "They're here" Hazel said and they all ran.

They almost made it out before a dread doctor appeared throwing Liam out of the way causing Hazel to go after him only to be thrown next to Liam. "I'm so sick of these dread doctors" Hazel said.

"Run Hayden, run" Liam said as she was backing away then she heard Scott roaring as she looked.

Hayden quickly managed to get away. Hazel, Scott, and Liam fought off the dread doctors the best they could failing every time as Hayden watched before a dread doctor grabbed her.

Hazel went to turn into her wolf form when Theo stopped her. "Don't they're too strong go with Liam find Hayden go" Theo said and Hazel left with Liam.


Soon enough Liam and Hazel found Hayden as the dread doctor stuck Hayden as Liam screamed. Soon enough Theo and Scott ran in as Liam went to Hayden with Hazel.

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