2) Senior Year

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"So, you ran a background check and all you found was a speeding ticket" Malia asked Stiles.

"At least it's something I guess" Hazel said. "Speeding ticket signed by Theo's dad eighth years ago" Stiles said.

"Which means what" Malia asked. "Who speeds" Stiles asked. "You" Hazel said. "Not helping" Stiles said. "Then maybe you shouldn't have asked" Hazel said.

"Well how many tickets do you have" Malia asked. "None" Stiles said. "Try again" Hazel told Stiles.

"How many would you have if your dad didn't get you out of them" Malia asked.

"Seventeen" Stiles said. "I don't know Stiles I mean I see why you're worried he's really hot he's got like great hair perfect body kind of seems like Hazel's type you should definitely feel threatened" Malia told Stiles.

"Thank you because I do now more than ever" Stiles said. "You want me to torture him" Malia asked.

"No, I don't want you to torture him" Stiles said. "I'm pretty sure I can take him" Malia said. "Or I could just rip him limb from limb" Hazel said.

"Okay no Hazel no, no one's torturing anybody" Stiles told Hazel who pouted. "I have a plan alright and there are steps to doing this right" Stiles said.

"What steps" Malia asked. "We get the story verify the facts you find the piece that doesn't fit and catch him in the act that's how you do it" Stiles said.

"Ugh must it always be boring" Hazel asked. Stiles saw Theo causing Hazel and Malia to look.

Theo waved at them smiling. "Huh Malia may be right he does kind of seem like my type" Hazel said.

"Why are you so suspicious of this guy" Malia asked Stiles. "Because I remember Theo from fourth grade okay that's not Theo" Stiles said.


Hazel saw Scott and went to him causing Scott to put his arm around her. "First day of senior year" Hazel said.

"Last first day ever" Scott said. "Well then we better make the best of it" Hazel said.

Scott smiled at Hazel causing Hazel to smile back. The bell ring causing the two to share a kiss before heading off to class.


Hazel was at her locker when Lydia walked up to her. "Hey" Lydia said. "Hey Lydia" Hazel said.

"How was it like visiting Cora" Lydia asked. "It was great we did lots of catching up saw a couple movies just really spent time together as a family it felt nice to get away" Hazel said.

"You needed to get away you deserved it" Lydia said. "Yeah, well Derek said it was good for us so" Hazel said.

"Well, he was right you know he was" Lydia said and Hazel smiled.

"I may have lost Allison but at least I didn't lose you" Lydia said. "And you never will" Hazel told Lydia. "You gonna be okay with Derek gone" Lydia asked.

"It's going to be weird, but he needed to get away I need my brother alive if he's not I don't know how I'll survive without him I need him safe and alive I rather die myself then be without my big brother" Hazel said.


Stiles went to the library heading towards Scott, Hazel, Kira and Malia, He put a piece of paper down which they noticed.

"So, you found something" Scott asked. "Another signature" Stiles told him. "This is Theo's dad's signature on a speeding ticket from eight years ago" Stiles said pointing to the signature.

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