11) Said the spider to the fly

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Act Vi B

War and Anukite

(Episode 11-20)


"Alright I'm here it's a good thing I was already in my wolf form going on a run" Hazel said once she saw Liam, Corey, and Mason. "He still depressed huh"' Hazel said once she saw Liam lying on the bench.

I can't handle this" Liam said. "Yes, you can, and you've handled so much worse than this" Mason said and pulled Liam to sit up.

"You're practically the alpha now" Mason said. "I'm nothing without her" Liam said as Mason put Liam's shirt on him.

"Liam can you help me with this please" Corey asked as he put his lacrosse wear on him.

"Hayden left me" Liam said. "She didn't leave you puppy she moved to protect her sister I would've done the same if I were in her shoes" Hazel said.

"And it's not like she dumped you or anything" Mason said.

"Why is your arm so heavy" Corey asked still putting Liam's gear on him. Mason's phone beeped as he checked it. "Okay Scott says Coach is losing it" Mason said.

"Scott's leaving too" Liam said going back to lay down before Corey and Aurora stopped him.

"Going to college is not leaving okay it's called growing up and we're all gonna be going to different colleges eventually" Mason said.

"I thought we were both applying to UCLA" Corey said. "What you guys are going to the same college" Liam asked. "That is not the point" Mason said giving him his stick.

"Puppy it's going to be okay" Hazel said. "Says you you're traveling with Malia" Liam told Hazel.

"What is the point" Liam asked going back to his conversation with Mason. "The point is summer's almost over we're about to be seniors" Corey said as he and Mason dragged Liam with Hazel following them.

"This is about to be the best year of our entire lives" Corey said. "And you're still captain of the lacrosse team so make me proud and get out there before I knock your teeth out" Hazel said.

Hazel saw they were about to fall so she quickly moved aside as they all fell to the ground.

"You could've helped " Corey said. "True but I didn't" Hazel said. Mason's phone vibrates and he looked seeing the text and he sat up. "What" Hazel said.

"Coach is making Diaz captain" Mason said and Liam sat up before running off.


Hazel made her way to Scott once Liam did the flip keeping the player from making a shot. "Now that's how you play lacrosse McCall" Coach said.

"Who is that kid" Coach asked. "He's spectacular" Coach said. "Coach that's Liam" Scott said. "Well how am I supposed to tell them apart" Couch asked.

"They're all wearing the same thing" Coach said and Hazel gave him a look. "They've all got numbers on their jersey coach" Scott said.

"Ouch" Hazel said once she saw Liam got knocked down.

Hazel rushed to Liam once she noticed his eyes with Scott behind her after he blew his whistle.

"Puppy, puppy hey calm down" Hazel said bending down to him. "Liam your eyes" Scott said bending down to him. "McCall what was that" Coach asked.

"That wasn't a foul that's called winning" Coach said once he made his way to Scott and Hazel.

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