8) Ouroboros

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"There's no scent no tracks no way to find em" Scott said after Hazel and Malia found him having no such luck finding Liam and Hayden either.

"But Liam can howl back right" Malia asked. "Only if he heard me" Scott said.

"Here's hoping" Hazel said to them. "If anyone harms my puppy, I swear I'm going full Hale on them maybe even channel my inner Peter" Hazel said.


"You think we'll find them" Hazel asked. "Yeah, we have to" Scott said. "Scott, you need to stop putting so much pressure on yourself" Hazel said.

"If I don't everyone else dies including you" Scott said. "I'm an evolved wolf you don't have to worry about me" Hazel said.

"I'm your boyfriend it's my job to worry" Scott said.

"No, it's not, your job is to be there for me not worry about me okay in a wolf I'll be fine an evolved one at that" Hazel said.

"I know but I'm going to" Scott said. "Okay" Hazel said and smiled.


"They're not gonna really arrest him are they" Scott asked Kira. "Sure, looks like it" Hazel said.

"Sorry" Hazel said to Kira. "He has to my dad basically confessed" Kira said. "And you don't remember anything" Scott asked.

"Not even a glimpse" Hazel asked. "Nothing it was like sleepwalking suddenly I'm just standing out in the middle of the road" Kira said. "Okay we'll figure it out" Scott said.

"Don't worry we'll figure out what's going on with you" Hazel said. "What about Liam and Hayden" Kira asked.

"We're all meeting at my place to try to come up with something" Scott said.

"We don't want to leave you to deal with this but" Hazel said. "We gotta find them" Scott said. "I know" Kira said. 

"I can stay if you want and keep you company, I could always catch up with Scott later" Hazel said.

"No go I'll be fine my mom's taking me home anyway we have to talk to a lawyer there's nothing anyone can do right now you should go" Kira said.

"Only if you're sure" Hazel said. "I am" Kira said and Hazel nodded.

"Scott, Hazel, you don't think it was me do you" Kira asked. "What no, never" Hazel said. "No, no of course not" Scott said.


Scott and Hazel met up with the others and Hazel noticed Scott rushing over to Corey. "Scott what are you doing Scott" Hazel asked.

"Scott slow down Scott just talk to me Scott" Hazel said but he ignored her.

"Hey is Kira okay" Stiles asked but Scott ignored him. "Scott" Theo said and followed Hazel and Scott with Stiles and Malia.

"Sorry I'm only on chapter two I'm kind of a slow reader" Corey said. "Oh, that's okay Corey" Mason said. "He's right we don't have time for that anyway" Scott said.

"No Scott don't" Lydia said realizing what he was doing but Scott already stuck his claws in Corey's neck while Hazel was surprised, he would do this. 

Stiles, Malia, and Theo made it to the room where they saw Scott had his hands in Corey's neck. "Don't get to close" Lydia said. "What is he doing" Theo asked.

"Tapping into Corey's memories it's usually only something alphas do" Lydia said. "Is it as dangerous as it looks" Theo asked.

"Probably more" Stiles said. "Does anyone know if it's working" Mason asked. 

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