15) Pressure test

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"I'm not letting them out we've got two bodies covered in slash marks they confessed killing two people" Noah said. "Hunters" Scott said.

"People Scott self-defiance or not they're still here the other guys are dead and there's a process I have to follow" Noah said.

"Yeah, but you know what's happening around here it's not safe for them" Scott said.

"It's not safe for anyone" Hazel said. "This may actually be the safest place for them in Beacon Hills at least I can protect them here" Noah said.

"Would Stiles think that" Lydia asked. "Especially if one of your deputies is working for Gerard" Malia said.

"I'm not buying that I know these deputies like the back of my hand I know their families, their kids, their brothers, and sisters I know who they are, and I trust them" Noah said.

"You know who they were there's something out there everyone's afraid and it's getting worse" Liam said.

"Yeah, you can't protect two werewolves from hunters if they're already on the inside" Scott said. "Sheriff everyone acts out in fear even deputies" Hazel said.

"It's Quinn right" Noah asked the girl in the chair and she nodded. "You're sure it was a deputy who shot you absolutely 100% sure" Noah asked her and she nodded.

"I saw flashing lights, a police car, I saw a badge, a gun, and then they shot me, they shot me in the head and that's all that I remember" Quinn said.

"There are a couple holes in her story" Noah said. "Maybe because there's a hole in her head" Lydia said and Malia laughed causing everyone to look at her.

"I'm sorry" Malia said. "Sheriff, we need to get Jiang and Tierney out of here before anyone realizes they're here" Scott said.

"Or else they may end up getting shot in the head" Hazel said. "And take them where" Noah asked. "I can't let them go" Noah said.

"But if you keep them here, they're" Lydia said when Noah interrupted.

"Look if there's a problem" Noah said when they heard an explosion and they all left the sheriff's office and went into the hallway.

"Get away from the windows put those guns away" Noah said and the cops did. "I'm guessing you know who's out there" Parrish said. "I got a pretty good idea" Noah said.

"They'll be armed to the teeth" Parrish said. "Which is why I won't be" Noah said putting his gun down. "I'm going with you" Parrish said.

"No, you're gonna get some deputies, check the exits and hope we're not completely surrounded and keep an eye out let's make sure we're all on the same side here" Noah said and went outside.

"Anyone else think that's a terrible idea" Hazel asked referring to Noah going without a gun.

"Keep it holstered Dewitte" Parrish told him. Malia suddenly started breathing heavily.

"We have got to get out of here like now the sooner the better" Hazel said. "Give him a chance he knows what he's doing" Scott said.

"We are giving him a chance he can tell all he wants but we have to get out of here" Malia said.

"How do we get Jiang and Tierney out" Liam asked. "I don't know and who cares it's Stilinski's job" Hazel said. "But it's our job to keep them alive" Scott said and Theo walked in.

"Not mine" Theo said. "Do you want me to kill him" Liam asked. "No just leave him can please just go" Malia asked.

"We're not going anywhere don't you get it we're trapped they have all of the windows and doors covered we're going to die in here" Quinn said.

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