6) Motel California

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The school bus stopped at a hotel, and everyone got off the bus looking at it. "I've seen worse" Scott said. "Where have you seen worse" Stiles asked. "Well, it's better than nothing" Hazel said.

Coach blew his whistle before facing everyone. "Listen up the meet's been pushed till tomorrow this is the closest motel with the most vacancies and least amount of good judgement when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves, you'll be pairing up choose wisely and I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants got that keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves" Coach said.

Lydia saw Hazel looking around and went to her. "You want to share with me" Lydia asked.

"As much as I would love to share with you, I rather not be trapped with a room with her" Hazel said referring to Allison.

Issac saw the situation and he and Boyd quickly went to Hazel. "It's okay she can share with us after all we used to live together" Issac said leading Hazel away with Boyd's help while Scott looked back jealous knowing the two used to date.


Scott and Stiles were in their hotel room laying on their hotel bed. "Alright so I have four" Stiles said. "Four you have four suspects" Scott asked.

"Yeah, it was originally ten well nine technically I guess I had Derek on, there twice" Stiles said. "So, who's number one Harris" Scott asked. "Just because he's missing doesn't mean he's dead" Stiles said.

"So, if he's not dead our chemistry teacher is out secretly committing human sacrifices" Scott said. "Yeah, I guess that just sounded way better in my head" Stiles said.

"Well, what if it's somebody else from school like you remember Matt" Scott asked. "We didn't know that he was killing people" Scott said.

"Excuse me I'm sorry what" Stiles said sitting up. "I, yes we did I called that from day one actually" Stiles said. "Yeah, but we never really seriously thought that it was Matt" Scott said who was now slightly up.

"I was serious I was quite serious actually deadly serious no one listened to me" Stiles said. "Who were the other three" Scott asked.

"Derek and Hazel's sister Cora no one knows anything about her and she's Derek and Hazel's sister next your boss" Stiles said and Scott sat up all the way. "My boss" Scott asked.

"Yeah, your boss I don't really like the whole Obi-Wan thing he's got going on you know it freaks me out" Stiles said and noticed Scott's face.

"Have you still not seen Star Wars" Stiles asked. "I swear if we make it back alive, I will watch the movie" Scott said. "It just makes me crazy" Stiles said. "Who was the last one" Scott asked.

"Lydia" Stiles said and sat back down on the bed. "She was totally controlled by Peter, and she had no idea so" Stiles said and both Scott and Stiles laid back down on the bed.


Hazel heard her phone ring and she quickly looked at the caller ID before answering.

"What do you want Peter" Hazel asked. "Now is that any way to treat your favorite uncle" Peter asked. "Why are you calling" Hazel asked.

"You never call me" Hazel said. "Can't I check on my favorite niece" Peter said. "Peter" Hazel said.

"No Hazel I'm serious I'm worried about you" Peter said. "Why are you worried about me" Hazel asked.

"I know how close you and Derek were and I know you better than you think we were close too if you remember" Peter said.

"That was before you killed Laura and nearly killed my friends." Hazel said.

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