10) monstrous

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Lori was running away from Hunter who were trying to shoot her. When she looked back for a split second and turned back around running only to fall down.

Brett caught up to her and helped her up. "Get up Lori come on run, run" Brett told Lori.

The two siblings started to run again. Brett got shot with an arrow but continued to run.

Brett knocked out an assassin who tried to shoot at him. "Lori wait" Brett said seeing her. "Lori stop" Brett said and caught up to her.

Suddenly the lights turned on around them. "Brett, Brett what's happening" Lori asked him. "Close your eyes" Brett told her and Lori did as he said.

An arrow shot at them when Hazel appeared catching it glowing her eyes with Kira by her side. Run" Kira told them.

"Follow me" Hazel said and ran while Brett and Lori followed her.


Scott ran into the clinic and Hazel came out and saw him. Scott ran to her and kissed her like he was afraid he'd never see her again.

They eventually pulled away from the kiss and Scott looked at Hazel. "Are you" Scott asked. "I'm okay" Hazel said. "Hey why didn't you tell me you were losing your power" Scott asked.

"Derek told you" Hazel said and Scott nodded. "Cause I love you, you know that" Hazel said and Scott smiled. "Don't do it again okay" Scott said.

"Okay" Hazel said, and Scott smiled kissing her one more time.

"Did you find him did you and Kira find Brett" Scott asked. "Actually, I think we found all of them" Hazel said and led Scott to the exam room where he saw Kira with more werewolves.

"Satomi this is who Kira, and I was telling you about" Hazel told Satomi. "I know who Scott McCall is" Satomi said smiling.

"Are we safe here" Lori asked. "We're gonna need help a lot of help" Scott said seeing everyone.


Argent walked further into his apartment after seeing footsteps. He held a gun when Brett went to him roaring. "Wait" Scott said going over with Hazel.

"Brett this is his place it's his" Scott told Brett who backed down and walked away. "Scott" Argent said going towards Scott.

"If you bring in guests you could have called" Argent said. "I told you we should have called" Hazel told Scott. "I didn't have anywhere else to take them" Scott told Argent.

Satomi walked over towards Argent. "I know this man he may not remember but we've met before" Satomi said.

"You can trust him I trust him" Scott told her. "How do we know he's not like the others" Satomi asked. "What others" Argent asked.

"Last night there was a whole team after them" Kira said coming over.

"And they used crossbows" Kira said. "They were lucky they made it out alive" Hazel said.

"They're hunters aren't they" Scott asked. "Not if they're killing for profit not anymore" Argent said. "Can they find us" Brett asked. "They might already know you're here maybe they're waiting for dark" Argent said.

"So, we're not safe here" Kira said. "We're not safe anywhere we've been trying to get out for days everywhere we turn we find someone new trying to kill us" Satomi said.

"All for money pathetic" Hazel said. "If they're coming Scott, they're coming for you too you're still number one on the dead pool" Argent said.

"I know, I know Lydia can get the answer from Meredith she just needs more time" Scott said. "Then that's what she'll get" Argent said.


Derek and Braeden met Scott at Argent's after Scott called him for his help. "They'll be okay" Scott told Derek.

Derek looked at them before looking back. "They've got claws and fangs but they're not fighters" Derek said. "That's why I called you" Scott said.

"Well try to remember I don't have claws and fangs anymore either" Derek said. "And neither does Hazel" Derek added.

"That's why he called me" Braeden said. "Am I the only one still hoping this is just all a false alarm I mean it's possible we could wait here all night, and nothing happens right" Kira asked.

"Maybe in our dreams let's be real if they want money, they're gonna get it rather they die trying or not" Hazel said.

"Scott, you heard anything from Stiles and Lydia yet" Braeden asked.

"Lydia's still talking to Meredith, Stiles and Malia are headed to the lake house they're trying to stop it" Scott said.

"What if there is no stopping it what if it doesn't end until we're all dead" Brett asked.

"Then let's send a message let's make something perfectly clear to anyone with a copy of that list it doesn't matter if they're professional assassins or an amateur who just picked up a gun" Derek said showing the gun he had.

"Anyone who thinks they can hunt and kill us for money is gonna be put on another list, our list they get to be a name on our dead pool" Derek said.


The assassins soon arrived and threw dynamite in the room. "Get back" Braedon told everyone. 

The dynamite exploded and assassins came in shooting at everyone.  Derek saw an assassin aiming at Hazel and he jumped in front of her shooting at him.

"Not my sister" Derek said angrily. "Thanks bro" Hazel said getting up going to fight the assassins.  Derek went back over to Braeden as the two, shot at the assassins.

"How many are there" Derek asked. "Too many" Braeden said.

Hazel looked over and saw Derek was about to get shot at when she rushed over and knocked him out cold.

"Not my brother" Hazel said smiling at Derek. Hazel went back to fighting the assassins.

Hazel looked over at Scott for a split second after knocking the assassin down and saw Scott punching the assassin, he was fighting multiple times looking like he was going to kill him. 

"Scott" Hazel said, and Scott stopped hitting the assassin and looked at Hazel snapping out of it.

Scott looked at himself realizing what he was about to do. The assassins all stopped fighting and their phones vibrated. Scott picked up the phone of the assassin who was still on the ground.

He looked at the message before showing him indicating the Deadpool was over.


Everyone looked around the room after the Deadpool stopped making sure there was no more assassins.

"Is it over really over" Kira asked. "Yeah, I think so" Hazel said and let out a breath of relief.

Scott pulled Hazel to his side and kissed her forehead rubbing her shoulder.

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