3) Mercury

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"Oh, I should've got a haircut" Noah said looking in the mirror. "Well, you know someone your age should be happy you still have hair to cut" Stiles said and Hazel smacked his arm.

"Leave him alone who knows I just might cut your hair and you'll know how it feels" Hazel said. "I think you look great" Scott told Noah.

"Well thank you son, I should have had" Noah said while Hazel had to hold on a laugh seeing Stiles's facial expression. "Don't act so surprised" Hazel told Stiles.

"Oh, what am I doing" Noah asked. "This is a terrible idea" Noah said.

"What dad, dad it's one date okay the town of Beacon Hills won't implode while you're out with one woman or man" Stiles said.

"It's a woman Stiles" Noah said. "Okay" Stiles said. "A very beautiful woman" Noah said.

"What beautiful woman by the way" Stiles asked. "None of your business either one of you" Noah said. "I wasn't gonna ask" Hazel told him.

"But if it's somebody I know, can you call me so I can laugh" Hazel asked while Stiles gave Hazel a look. "What" Hazel said. "I want to know" Stiles said. "Stilinski" they heard Donovan yell.

"Stilinski" he yelled again and Noah, Stiles, Scott, and Hazel let the Sheriff's office and went out in the hall. "I'm going to kill you" Donovan said.

"Donovan if you think that shocks me remember it was well documented in your anger expression inventory" Noah told Donovan. "Deputies escort the prisoner out" Noah said.

"I'm not angry like I'm gonna throw a brick through your window I'm angry like I'm going to find you I'm going to get a knife and I'm going to stab you with it until you're dead and when you look at me and you ask me why remember right now because this is why" Donovan said.

"Wow that was awesome" Stiles said. "Eh I give it a c-" Hazel said.

"That was awesome that was great we do one more give us another one maybe like Christopher Walken this time you know" Stiles said and Donovan stayed silent.

"Okay you know what it's fine you'll have plenty of time to work on it when you're in your little cell you know just stuck there forever" Stiles said.

Donovan went to attack when the deputies held him back. "Get him out of here" Noah said and the deputies left with Noah.

"You sure you don't want me to rip his head off" Hazel asked and they all looked at Hazel.

"Oh come on like anyone is going to miss this loser" Hazel said.

"What's an Anger management expression inventory" Scott asked. "It's a test you take when you're applying to become a deputy" Stiles told him.

"That guy wanted to be a cop" Scott asked and Stiles nodded. "At least now he's getting the full law enforcement experience" Stiles said.


Stiles went to start the jeep only for it not to start. Stiles noticed Hazel and Scott looking at him.

"It's anxiety" Stiles said. "What is" Scott asked. "Excuse me" Hazel said. "The Chemo signals oh I'm well aware of how you all monitor my emotional state yeah" Stiles said.

"Okay well we worry about you" Hazel said and Stiles went to start the jeep only for it not to start and for Stiles to hit the steering wheel.

"You okay" Scott asked seeing Stiles shaking. "Alright I got this from Braeden a few hours ago" Stiles said and shown the picture to Hazel and Scott.

"That's the first real bit of information we've gotten on Desert Wolf in months" Stiles said.

"The dessert wolf did this" Scott asked. "Wow and I thought Kate was bad" Hazel said.

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