14) Galvanize

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"Get your butt down here we have a job to do" Stiles said on the phone with Scott. "Dude I'm already in bed" Scott said. "And aren't we getting a little old for this" Scott asked.

"We do this for couch" Stiles said. "I thought we did this to couch" Scott said. 

"Whatever okay he needs this he lives for this stuff he loves it" Stiles said. "But it's the middle of the night" Scott said.

"Which means it's after midnight and officially mischief night/day I even called Hazel to join us" Stiles said. "Wait she's back where was she" Scott asked.

"Don't know you can ask her tomorrow anyways by perfectly awesome coincidence it also happens to be coach's birthday so if you are not down here in five seconds, I will destroy you okay and I mean five, four, three, two" Stiles said and turned around seeing red eyes falling down.

Scott came forwards making his presence known no longer glowing his eyes. "One" Scott said.

"I hate you" Stiles said. "Wait where's Hazel" Scott asked. "Boo" he heard someone yell and Scott fell down next to Stiles while Hazel came forward laughing.

"Really" Scott said. "Not fun is it" Stiles asked. "Sorry I couldn't resist" Hazel said laughing and Scott just smiled at her loving the sound of her laughter.


It was the next day as Scott parked his motorcycle seeing two familiar motorcycles and he got off his seeing Ethan and Aiden as he walked to them.

"You're back in school" Scott asked the twins. Stiles went over to Scott seeing the twins. "No just to talk" Ethan said.

"Oh, that's kind of a change of pace for you guys usually you're just hurting maiming and killing" Stiles said. "Where's Hazel" Scott asked Stiles and he pointed to Hazel coming towards them.

Hazel went to stand next to Scott once she saw the twins. "You need a pack we need an alpha" Aiden said. "Yeah, absolutely not that's hilarious though" Stiles said.

"You came to us for help we helped" Aiden said. "You beat him into a bloody pulp that's not helping in my opinion that's actually counterproductive" Stiles said.

"You get kidnapped and suddenly you miss everything" Hazel said. "What" Scott said. "Fill you in later" Hazel said. "Why would I say yes" Scott asked.

"We'd add strength we'd make you more powerful there's no reason to say no" Aiden said.

"I can think of one" Issac said coming over. "Yeah, me too" Hazel said and Isaac smiled. "Like the two of you holding Derek's claws while Kali impaled Boyd and let's not forget how you two held Hazel forcing her to watch Kali try to kill Derek" Issac said.

"In fact, I don't know why we're not impaling them right now" Issac said.

Aiden growled and glowed his eyes for a moment before turning back to normal. Issac went to step forward when Scott stopped him shaking his head. 

"Sorry but they don't trust you and neither do I" Scott said as he left with Stiles, Hazel, and Issac.

"What now" Ethan asked and Aiden looked at the school when Ethan noticed.  "No, no way" Ethan said. "We never finished" Aiden said.

"And we don't have to" Ethan said. "What if I want to" Aiden asked. "You, you seriously want to go back to high school is this about Lydia" Ethan asked.

"This is about getting Scott to change his mind we're not just betas we're omegas remember when everyone we've ever screwed over finds out we don't have a pack anymore what do you, think's going to happen we're dead on our own" Aiden said. 

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