8) forgiving

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Hazel was in her room sitting on her bed staring at the wall when Derek came in. "Hey what are you doing" Derek asked. Hazel just stayed silent not answering him unsure of what to say.

"Hazel" Derek said and sat next to her. "Please tell me you didn't know" Hazel said. "Know what" Derek asked.

"That I'm Deaton's daughter" Hazel said, and Derek looked at her.

"What no, of course not" Derek said. Hazel nodded and laid her head on Derek's chest.

Derek put his arm around her and rubbed her shoulder. "Hey, listen to me" Derek said and Hazel looked at him.

"No matter what I'm always going to be there for you you're my life Hazel my baby sister my world" Derek said.

"This doesn't change anything you're my sister and you always will be" Derek said and Hazel hugged him. "Thanks Der you're the best brother a girl could have" Hazel said. 

"Anytime baby sis" Derek said. "I love you Der" Hazel said. "I love you too baby sis" Derek said.

"I may have something that may help clear things up" Derek said. "What" Hazel said, and Derek got up and left the room for a moment.

Hazel was confused till Derek came over and gave Hazel her birth certificate. "Mom never liked anyone looking at your birth certificate I never knew why" Derek said.

Hazel looked at her birth certificate and saw that Deaton was indeed her father.

"But if I had to guess it was because she didn't want us knowing the truth" Derek said. "But why, why would she keep this from us why was it a secret" Hazel asked.

"I wish I knew" Derek said. "I need to go talk to Deaton he deserves to know" Hazel said.

"Okay just be careful hunters are still on the loose" Derek said. "I know and I will promise" Hazel said and Derek nodded.


Hazel made it to the animal clinic after being chased by hunters getting shot a couple times.

Hazel made it in the clinic and noticed she wasn't healing. "Oh, great I can't heal either" Hazel said.

"Hello" Deaton said coming over. "Oh, Hazel it's you" Deaton said. "Hi" Hazel said, and Deaton noticed she wasn't healing.

"How come you're not healing" Deaton asked. "I don't know ever since I came back to life, I been losing my hearing, smell, strength, everything" Hazel said.

"Why don't you come on back so we can get something on that" Deaton said. "Okay" Hazel said and nodded.


Deaton managed to get Hazel cleaned up and she jumped off the exam table. "Now that you're all cleaned up" Deaton said. "Why are you here" Deaton asked.

"I'm your daughter" Hazel said and Deaton was confused. "What" Deaton said, and Hazel gave him her, birth certificate.

Deaton looked at her birth certificate and saw his name on it and then looked at her seeing the resemblance.

He gave Hazel her birth certificate back and looked at her still amazed that he had a daughter.

"She never told me" Deaton said. "You never knew" Hazel said.

"No, I had no idea we had maybe one night together but that was it I didn't see your mother for months at least I know why" Deaton said. "Why didn't she tell you" Hazel asked.

"You're my dad you deserved to know that you had a daughter" Hazel said.

"I'm not sure but I'm sure whatever they were they were good reasons your mother was a good person, and she was an amazing mother who was taken from you too soon" Deaton told Hazel who stayed silent.

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