11) saving baby Hale

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Stiles was slapping Derek as he was unconscious due to Jennifer knocking him out. "Derek" Stiles said and slapped Derek again.

"Derek come on" Stiles said and slapped him. Stiles made a fist about to punch him when Derek stopped him. Derek looked around not seeing Jennifer. "Where is she" Derek asked.

"Jennifer gone with Scott's mom" Stiles said. "She took her" Derek asked.

"Yeah, and if that's not enough of a kick to the balls Scott left with Deucalion okay so we gotta get you out of here the police are coming right now and we gotta get you out of here" Stiles said.

"Whoa" Derek said sitting up. "What about Hazel" Derek asked.


Isaac, Peter, and Cora were waiting on the car for the Argents when Cora decided to break the silence. "Issac" Cora said. "Yeah" Issac said.

"Hazel talked about you a lot" Cora said. "Did you know that" Cora asked. "No, I didn't" Issac asked.

"Yeah, you mean more to her than you realize" Cora said. "Really" Issac said. "Yeah, you were her first love" Cora said. "I was" Issac asked Cora.

"Yeah, I mean she'd never admit it but yeah" Cora said and Issac stayed silent.


"You see the twins" Issac asked. "No but I see the Argents" Peter said. "Not to bring up uncomfortable memories but wasn't the last time you saw them the time you killed Kate and then they burned you alive hmm" Issac asked and he and Cora looked seeing him gone.

Cora and Isaac got out of the car going towards the Argents. "Where are the others" Allison asked.

"I don't know Scott and Stiles went back for Derek and Jennifer we had to get Hazel out" Issac said. Derek pulled up parking the car and he got out. "Where's Scott and Stiles" Allison asked.

"Stiles is still at the hospital he's gonna hold off the cops for us" Derek said grabbing Hazel.

"We have to go right now" Issac said. "What about Scott and Melissa" Argent asked. Isaac opened the door to the jeep as Derek put Hazel down and Cora got in and sat beside Hazel before Derek shut the door.

"Jennifer took Melissa" Derek said. Derek went to get in the jeep when Allison stopped him.

"What about Scott" Allison asked but Derek ignored her. "Derek where's Scott" Allison asked and Derek sighed turning to face her.


Issac and Cora were with Derek and Hazel at the loft while she was laid down. "She's dying isn't she" Isaac asked. "I don't know" Derek said. "So, what are you gonna do" Issac asked.

"I don't know" Derek said. "Want to figure something out" Issac asked and Derek threw him.

"That is my baby sister alright I don't care about Scott or Stiles alright" Derek said. "Don't you get it" Derek asked.

"If she dies, I will never be the same alright not only, is she my little sister but my best friend my reason for living my entire world for all I care I will let the world burn just to save her" Derek said.

"While Scott and Stiles were out there trying to help people from being killed you were in here rolling around in the sheets with the actual killer" Issac said.

"Didn't you just hear me" Derek asked. "I don't care not till I know she's okay" Derek said.

"Do you get how many people she's killed" Issac asked referring to Jennifer. "Erica and Boyd are dead Hazel is dying and you are doing nothing" Issac said.

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