12) fear

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"Scott it's not too late to try to catch him" Hazel said snapping Scott out of his trance. "Catch who" Scott asked. "The killer" Hazel told him.

"What are you thinking about" Malia asked. "Getting the bullet to Argent" Scott said. "Even if he's the one who fired it" Malia said. "Especially if he's the one" Scott said.

"Do you hear that" Scott asked. "Heartbeats" Hazel said. "A lot of them, they're here" Scott said.

"Who" Malia asked. "Hunters run" Scott said and ran. "Scott wait" Hazel said going after him with Malia and Lydia. "Scott" Hazel said but he ran even faster.

Malia. Scott, and Lydia rushed to Scott once they seen what happened and bent down to him.

Once the cops left Hazel helped Scott up getting up herself along with Malia and Lydia while Noah made his way to them along with Parrish.

"I'm really sorry" Scott said to Noah. "You don't think they saw anything do you" Scott asked.

"No more than they're used to" Parrish said. "You wanna tell me what happened here" Noah asked.

"He's a hellhound" Parrish said referring to the hellhound on the ground. "A dead hellhound" Malia said. "Yep, got that" Noah said.

"Well, I don't get it I didn't think you could kill a hellhound" Parrish said. "Apparently it's a lot easier than we thought" Hazel said. "You got anything you wanna add" Noah asked Scott. 

"Yeah" Scott said and out the bullet in his pocket. "I don't think it was just any bullet" Scott said. "I hope not" Parrish said.


"Why didn't you say anything" Lydia asked Scott once Malia parked the car in front of his house.

"Why didn't you say anything" Scott asked back. "Why didn't either of you say anything" Malia asked. "Okay how about we stop asking the same question over and over" Hazel said.

"Wait was I supposed to say something" Malia asked. "None of us said anything because of Argent and none of us are going to say anything until we talk to him" Scott said.

"Everybody good with that" Scott asked. "Works for me" Hazel said.

"As long as we talk to Argent soon immediately would be preferable" Lydia said. "Premonition" Malia asked.

"Yeah, the one with the screaming and people killing each other" Lydia said. "First we find Argent" Scott said got out of the car and went inside while Malia, drove away.


"He's not answering my calls and texts and Malia just texted me that she's with Lydia and he's not answering either of them he's not home he's not here" Hazel said.

"Do you think maybe Argent just doesn't want to be found" Hazel asked Scott.

"Well, he, he would have his calendar on his laptop if we cracked the password" Scott said.

"Wow you surprise me every day I didn't think you had it in you" Hazel said and opened the laptop. "Gun" Hazel said and typed it in only for that not to be the password.

"No didn't think so" Hazel said. "Hunter" Hazel said and typed it in only for that not to be the password.

"I should've known it wouldn't be hunter he's not even a hunter anymore and there's not hunters for werewolves anymore right" Hazel said.

"So why would you think that there was a hunter in the woods when it was just the sheriff and his deputies" Hazel asked. "What" Scott said.

"Never mind forget it" Hazel said going back to the laptop.

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