23) Divine move

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Lydia, Issac, and Scott were all at the Sheriff's station after Allison and Hazel died and they all stayed quiet not knowing what to say as they all were devastated.

Issac lost the one girl who gave him a chance his ex girlfriend who he will always love Lydia lost one of her closet friends and Scott lost his girlfriend after just admitting their feelings to each other.

Scott seemed to have a flashback of holding Hazel in his arms remembering he used his superhearing to hear her heartbeat he loved one last time.


Derek was at the loft with Hazel's dead body still on the table refusing to leave her knowing there had to be a way to save her.

Peter came in and he saw Hazel's body and noticed Derek's expression.

Peter went to Hazel listening for a heartbeat and once he realized there wasn't one he looked at Derek who was on the sofa with tears in his eyes.

"She's gone" Derek said and Peter went to Derek. "My baby sister is gone my anchor is gone" Derek said.

Peter looked at Hazel again not wanting to accept the fact that she was gone.

"I'm going to bring her back there has to be a way to bring her back" Derek said.

"Like what" Peter asked. "I don't know" Derek yelled.

Peter realized how truly devastated Derek was and went to him hugging him as Derek just allowed it not knowing Peter was hiding his pain as he too lost Hazel.

Peter may have his faults but there was one thing that he loved more than anything and that was his niece Hazel.


"Can you remember anything else" Parrish asked Issac referring to Allison and Hazel dying.

"Anything else" Parrish asked again as Issac was trying to hold back tears from losing Hazel.

Sure, he had feelings for Allison, but he didn't love her not like how he loved Hazel. "Issac" Parrish asked. "I'm sorry it just happened so fast" Issac said.


Derek finally managed to burn the wolfsbane out of Ethan.

"Should be fine in a couple of hours unless whoever shot you managed to find you again" Derek said.

"Lydia's with Scott we need to go" Aiden said walking towards the door. "Are you gonna try to convince her to go with you" Derek asked. "I'm gonna try to convince her to run and hide like any sane person would do" Aiden said.

"And Danny" Derek asked Ethan. "Allison's dead along with your sister who is currently laying dead over there Stiles is dying" Ethan said.

"What do you think" Ethan asked. "First of all I'm going to bring my sister back even if I die myself so don't you dare bring her name in this mess and second of all I think Danny won't believe you and Lydia would never run and hide" Derek said.

"Because of Stiles" Aiden asked. "Because of Scott you've been trying to find a way into his pack trying to earn his trust trying to fight for him you've had it wrong the whole time you don't fight for a leader you fight for a leader's cause" Derek said.

"What cause" Aiden asked. "Scott's always been about one thing saving his friends he will do anything and everything to save the people he cares about when there's no chance of winning, he keeps fighting when all hope is lost, he finds another way and when he's beaten down, he stands up again" Derek said.

"You want to earn a place in his pack you want redemption find another way to stand and fight" Derek said.


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