4) Relics

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Hazel was with Liam, Corey, Scott, and Mason looking at the ceiling figuring out how the ghost riders got in. "That's how he got in" Corey asked. "What is it" Liam asked.

"It's a point of impact from a lightning strike usually you'd find charred spots like that on the ground after a violent thunderstorm" Mason said.

"That's how the ghost rider got in he rode lightening" Scott said. "If they can use lightning to get past the mountain ash" Liam said.

"No place is safe" Hazel said. "What about the others it's my fault they're marked" Corey said.

"We'll find a way to protect them" Mason said. "All of them" Scott said.


"It's a relic" Lydia said showing the student ID card. "What's a relic" Malia asked.

"An object with a fixed association to the past Jake's ID was left behind after he was taken, and Gwen found her sister's bracelet on her bedroom floor" Lydia said.

"Okay so how can someone be erased and still leave something behind" Hazel asked.

"A conservation of mass the total mass of any isolated system remains constant" Lydia said.

"So even the ghost riders have a weakness" Scott said.

"A relic would be proof that Stiles existed" Lydia said. "And maybe we can bring him back" Scott said. "Along with anyone else who was taken" Hazel said. 

"Guys there's something else" Hazel said causing them to look at her. "I think I'm forgetting someone else" Hazel said.

"Why's that" Lydia asked. "Lately I been having these dreams of this man he's older, but I cared for him it almost seemed like I loved him, and he cared for me but when I go to look at him his face is a blur" Hazel said.


Everyone who was at the party was all underground as Liam led them to the bunker. "Why are we underground" Jayden asked.

"This is the way to the bunker" Hayden said. "You guys have a bunker who are you people" Nathan asked.

"Somebody who's trying to protect you even though she thinks you're, better off dead because you hurt her puppy" Hazel said.

"We're the people who know things about things that most people don't know about" Liam said. 

"What" Nathan said. "Just keep moving" Hayden said and they did. "Liam where's Gwen" Hayden asked.

"We already lost one already hmm oh well one last one to worry about" Hazel said.


They all made it to the bunker when Nathan picked up a device. "I wouldn't touch that" Argent said and he touched it when electricity started buzzing and Argent took it away from him setting it down.

"What's all this for" Nathan asked. "Your protection" Argent said. Liam closed the door as he and Hazel was with Scott, Mason, and Corey.

"Hey, we're missing three plus Gwen" Liam said. "They're all lacrosse players" Scott said. "They were at the party, so they know what's coming" Corey said.

"People see what they want to see" Argent said. "Guys we're running out of time" Mason said.

"Scott, we have to get them" Liam said. "I'll go the rest of you stay here" Scott said.

"Last I checked I don't do what you want me to do and I'm not letting you go alone so deal with it" Hazel said. "Hazel" Scott said.

"You and I both know you can't change my mind" Hazel said.

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