2) the dead body

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Hazel had gone to watch practice when she noticed Stiles sitting on the bleachers near the field and she went up to him.

"So do you always sit by yourself, or do they just not let you play" Hazel asked. "I'm not exactly good" Stiles said. "I could help you practice although I wouldn't be much help lacrosse isn't my thing maybe that's why I barely have anyone but my brother to hang out with" Hazel said and Stiles felt bad that she didn't have any friends.

Scott had fell on the ground holding his head and Stiles and Hazel ran to him. "Scott, Scott you okay" Stiles asked.

"I can't control it Stiles it's happening" Scott said. "What right here now" Stiles said.

"Come on we need to get him off the field before anyone sees" Hazel said and Stiles helped lead Scott off the field into the locker room. "You okay Scott you okay" Stiles asked.

"Get away from me" Scott yelled and Stiles backed up. Hazel saw Scott was about to attack so she threw him across the room glowing her eyes and roared.

Scott had turned back as Stiles and Hazel saw and Stiles slowly came back.

"What happened" Scott asked. "You nearly killed us" Hazel said. "You turned me back" Scott asked. "Looks like it" Hazel said.

They had stared at each other for a moment before Hazel snapped out of it with Scott doing the same shortly after. "It's the anger it's your pulse rising it's a trigger" Stiles said.

"But that's lacrosse it's a pretty violent game if you hadn't noticed" Scott said. "Well, it's gonna be a lot more violent if you end up killing someone on the field you can't play Saturday, you're gonna have to get out of the game" Stiles said.

"But I'm first line" Scott said. "Not anymore" Hazel said and left.


Scott was in his room face down on the bed when Melissa came in. "Hey late shift again for me but I am taking Saturday off to see your first game" Melissa said. "Oh, mom you can't" Scott said. "Oh no I can, and I will come on one shift isn't gonna break us completely" Melissa said.

"Hey what's wrong with your eyes" Melissa asked. "You look like you haven't slept in days" Melissa said. "Oh, uh it's nothing I'm just stressed" Scott said.

"Just stress nothing else" Melissa asked. "Homework" Scott said. "I mean it's not like you're on drugs or anything right" Melissa said.

"Right now," Scott said. "Right now, I'm sorry" Melissa said. "What do you mean right now have you ever taken drugs" Melissa asked.

"Have you" Scott asked. "Get some sleep" Melissa said and left. Scott had gone to his computer after he had heard Stiles get on FaceTime. "What'd you find out" Scott asked.

"Well, it's bad Jackson's got a separated shoulder" Stiles said. "Because of me" Scott asked. "Because he's a tool" Stiles said. "But is he gonna play" Scott asked. 

"Well, they don't know yet now they're just counting on you for Saturday" Stiles said and then noticed someone in the room and started typing.

"It looks like" the message on the screen said. Scott had looked only for the computer to act up for a minute.

"Someone's behind you" the message on the screen said. Scott had zoomed in on the screen seeing someone behind him and he turned around.

Only for Derek to pin him to the wall. "I saw you on the field" Derek said.  "Wha what are you talking about" Scott asked. 

"You shifted in front of them if they find out what you are they find out about me and Hazel my baby sister about all of us and then it's not just the hunters after us it's everyone" Derek said. 

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