5) Visit from Kate

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"Starting to get it" Derek asked Scott as he, Scott, and Hazel were on the roof of the DVD store after the alpha had attacked Jackson and killed somebody who worked at the DVD store.

"Uh I get that he's killing people, but I don't get why I mean this isn't standard practice right we don't go out in the middle of the night murdering everyone do we" Scott asked.

"No of course not" Hazel said. "We're predators we don't have to be killers" Derek said.

"Then why is he a killer" Scott asked. "That's what we're gonna find out" Derek said and he Hazel and Scott left going to the Hale House.


"You know I have a life too" Scott said as Derek and Hazel were about to go upstairs. "No, you don't" Derek said. "Yes, I do" Scott said and Deek along with Hazel turned to face him.

"I don't care what you say about him making his pet or" Scott said. "His pet wow you are so not prepared for this" Hazel said.

"Part of his pack" Derek said. "Whatever I have homework to do I have to go to a parent teacher conference because I'm failing chemistry" Scott said.

"You wanna do homework or you wanna not die" Derek asked. "If you were smart, I choose the second one" Hazel said.

"You have less than a week until the full moon you don't kill with him, he kills you" Derek said.

"Okay seriously who made up these rules" Scott asked. "Comes with being a werewolf" Hazel said. "It's a rite of passage into his pack" Derek said.

"You know what else is a rite of passage graduating from high school and you don't have to kill anyone to do it" Scott said. "But you could die doing it" Hazel said.

"Why can't you two just find him yourself why can't you just sniff him out when he's a human" Scott asked.

"Because his human scent could be entirely different it has to be you, you have a connection with him a link that you can't understand if I can teach you to control your abilities you can find him" Derek said.

"Hopefully the sooner the better" Hazel said. "So, if I help you, you can stop him" Scott asked.

"Not alone we're stronger in numbers a pack makes the individual more powerful" Derek said. "How am I supposed to help if I have no idea what I'm doing" Scott asked.

"Because I'm gonna teach you like how I taught Hazel" Derek said. "Do you remember what happened that first night you were shot in the arm right after you were hit" Derek asked.

"Yeah, I changed back" Scott said. "And when you were hit by his car same thing right" Hazel asked.

"What's the common denominator" Derek asked and once he saw Scott wasn't getting it, he went to Scott and broke his arm. "What are you doing" Scott asked in pain.

"It'll heal" Derek said. "It still hurt" Scott said. "That's the point" Hazel said.

"And that's what keeps you human, pain maybe you will survive" Derek said and went upstairs with Hazel.


Hazel and Derek decided to pay Jackson a visit as they had snuck up on him in the bathroom. "I, I don't know where Scott is" Jackson said.

"We're not here for Scott we're here for you" Derek said. "Wait what is she doing in the male's restroom" Jackson asked. Derek saw Hazel about to hit him and quickly stopped her.

"That's not important also I would watch if I were you, she has my temper maybe worse" Derek said.

"Why me" Jackson stuttered to ask. "I didn't do anything" Jackson said. "Maybe not but you saw something" Hazel said. "No, I didn't I didn't see anything" Jackson said.

"What was it hmm an animal a mountain lion" Derek asked. "I didn't see anything I swear I'm, I'm not lying" Jackson said.

"Then calm down and say it again" Derek said. "Say what that I'm not lying" Jackson asked.

"Tell us that you didn't see anything slowly" Derek said. "I didn't see anything I'm not lying" Jackson said lowly as Hazel and Derek listened to his heart.

"One more thing you should really get that checked out let's go Hazel" Derek said and left with her.


Derek and Hazel were at the Hale house as they were working out when they both stopped hearing voices and they quickly hid. "No one's home" a young hunter said.

"Oh, he's here with his baby sister too" Kate said causing Derek to pull Hazel closer to him.

"He's just not feeling particularly hospitable" Kate said. "Maybe he's out burying a bone in the backyard" the young hunter said, and Hazel rolled her eyes. "Really a dog joke we're going there" Kate asked.

"If you wanna provoke him say something like too bad your sister bit it before she had her first litter too bad she howled like a wuss when we cut her in half or if you really wanna go for the heart when we find Hazel we will force you to watch as we kill her right in front of you" Kate said yelling the last part and Derek knocked the young hunters out cold and when he went for Kate she shocked him.

Hazel had gone to help only getting shocked herself. "Wow this one grew up in all the right places I don't know whether to uh kill it or lick it" Kate said motioning to Derek. 


Derek and Hazel had tried to get up enough to jump at Kate only to be shocked once again.

"900,000 volts you and baby Hale never were good with electricity were you or fire which is why I'm gonna let you in on a little secret both of you actually and well maybe we can help each other out yes your sister was severed into pieces and used as bait to try to catch you and baby Hale unpleasant and frankly a little too Texas Chainsaw Massacre for my taste but quite true" Kate said.

Hazel and Derek had crawled across the room and managed to sit up against the wall.

"Now here's the part that might really kick you in your balls and shock your sister here we didn't kill her" Kate said and Derek and Hazel gave her a look saying they didn't believe her.

"You think I'm lying" Kate asked. "Wouldn't be the first time" Derek said. "Sweetie well" Kate said getting closer to Derek.

"Why don't you and baby Hale just listen to my heart and tell me if I am okay" Kate said.

"We didn't kill your sister" Kate said slowly and her heart was steady the whole time. "Do you hear that there's no blips or upticks just the steady beat of the cold hard truth" Kate said and got up away from Derek and Hazel.

"Found bite marks on your sister's body Derek and Hazel" Kate said. "What do you think did that a mountain lion why aren't we helping each other out" Kate asked.

"You might as well admit what you've been guessing all along which is the alpha killed your sister and all you two have to do is tell us who he is, and we'll take care of it for you, problem solved everybody goes home happy" Kate said and noticed the look on Hazel and Derek's face.

"Unless you don't know who he is either well guess who just became totally useless" Kate said and Derek and Hazel saw what Kate was about to do.

Derek quickly grabbed Hazel's hand and they rushed out of there hearing Kate shooting her gun.

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