6) the plan

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It was the next day at school as Liam and Hayden were walking together. "Scott, Malia, and Lydia are going out to Canaan Hazel said she'll stay here and help us Scott said to go through with the plan as long as it doesn't destroy his house" Liam said.

"What plan" Hayden asked. "Your plan" Liam said. "I don't have a plan" Hayden said. "Well, you said you had all these ideas about how to catch a ghost rider" Liam said.

"I had one idea it was pretty bad and then I had another really bad idea" Hayden said. "Anything that could work" Liam asked.

"Yeah, but it's terrible" Hayden said. "Great lets do it" Liam said. "We need to break into the faculty storage room" Hayden said. "To save the whole town from ghost riders no problem" Liam said.


Hayden and Liam were kissing to keep from being caught when Liam pulled away. "Do you have the list" Liam asked. "It's in my head" Hayden said.

"What if you forget something is that a good idea" Liam asked. "If we get caught stealing school supplies it's a great idea" Hayden said.

Hayden looked seeing the teachers leaving. "Okay now" Hayden said, and they both rushed in the faculty storage room.


"Can't we just buy a lightning rod" Liam asked Hayden. "Sure, if you've got $2500 dollars" Hayden said and Liam nodded as they both looked around.

They went farther down where they saw Douglas. "What are you doing here" Douglas asked them. "This is faculty only" Douglas said.

"Then why are you the one leaving" Hayden asked. "What are you doing" Liam asked.

"Plugs and wires are, are you making a taser" Hayden asked. "No, no of course not" Douglas said. "You saw them didn't you" Liam asked. "You should be in class" Douglas said.

"Was it the night of the lacrosse game" Liam asked. "You saw the lightning, the men, and the horses" Liam asked. "Dozens of them" Douglas said. "Then what" Liam asked.

"It was chaos they were everywhere some of the kids were running but for everyone else it was like there was nothing there they couldn't see a thing" Douglas said.

"We did and we've got a lot more to tell you if you really wanna fight back" Hayden said.


"The lightning strikes the rod which sends the bolt into the tunnel we grab the ghost rider push him into the bunker and we trap him there" Hayden said explaining the plan to Douglas.

"Okay how do you keep him from riding the lightning back out of the tunnels before you get him into the trap" Douglas asked.

"Well, if the lighting strikes again it'll just hit our rod, he won't be close enough to grab on" Liam said. "But shouldn't we assume the ghost riders have some kind of control over where it strikes" Douglas asked.

"Just because physics can't explain it today doesn't mean there won't be a logical explanation tomorrow" Douglas said.

"So, if they have control then how do we stop em" Liam asked. "We need to absorb a lightning bolt" Douglas said. "Can we do that" Hayden asked. "Not with anything we have here" Douglas said.

"I can't build a conduit strong enough to absorb even half that much energy" Douglas said and the bell rang while Liam grabbed the map.


"Instead of a conduit maybe we can find a person to absorb the lightning" Liam said. "I don't even think Kira could do that" Hayden said. "Josh, could he, ate electricity" Liam said. "Josh is dead" Hayden said.

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