Act VI A

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*Hale Sister*

Act VI A

Ghost Riders and lost memories

(Episode 1 -10)

Lydia Martin

Redhead best friend

*Hazel, I know that Stiles is real he was one of your best friends you have to believe me*

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*Hazel, I know that Stiles is real he was one of your best friends you have to believe me*

Malia Tate

Hale cousin

*It's still not working Hazel I need your help he loved you too more than anything you know that*

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*It's still not working Hazel I need your help he loved you too more than anything you know that*

Scott McCall

Ex lover

*I'm going to win her back no matter how long it takes*

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*I'm going to win her back no matter how long it takes*

Stiles Stilinski

Smart best friend

*Just don't break her heart again I mean it okay wolf or not I will kill you if you hurt her again*

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*Just don't break her heart again I mean it okay wolf or not I will kill you if you hurt her again*

Hazel Hale

A lover and a fighter

*Peter, you have to wake up it's me it's Hazel it's your little squirt*

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*Peter, you have to wake up it's me it's Hazel it's your little squirt*

And the rest of the teen wolf cast as their respected characters

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